Saturday, January 18, 2025

fundraiser down at tybee!

What a wonderful evening I've had at Tybee Post Theater!

I'm so glad I finally decided to go there.

Tonight, the Coastal Cohorts held a 40th anniversary reprisal of their classic storytelling concert, "King Mackerel & The Blues Are Running", and every dollar went to the theatre.

It was a sold-out show, too!

That means the $26 ticket fee I paid, and that the majority of the patrons paid, went to help this venue bring more such shows here.

I'm all in favor of that!

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite places for films, concerts, musicals, and plays.

Keep up the good work!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

farewell to thee, red dye 3

Consumer Reports sent me an email: the October campaign had been successful!
No longer would that carcinogen be used for foodstuffs... including straws.
I met someone at the cinema who could not use red straws in her drinks, as she was deathly allergic and had ended up in the hospital the last time she did.
Scary stuff!
Now it was time to go after other artificial dyes the food of ourselves and our children.
"Much like Red Dye 3, this group of six synthetic food dyes are used in a wide range of food and drinks, but haven’t been reviewed for safety by the FDA in decades, despite recent studies that link the chemicals to serious health problems.

California passed a landmark bill that would ban these dyes – Red 40, Yellow 5 & 6, Blue 1 & 2, and Green 3 – from foods served to school kids in the state. Recent studies found these dyes put some children at higher risk of hyperactivity and other neurobehavioral issues that interfere with learning. And one, Red Dye 40, has been linked to cancer. Despite these risks, the safety of many of these dyes haven’t been reevaluated by the FDA since the 1970s and 80s.

It’s time for the FDA to catch up with the latest science and get these harmful chemicals out of everyone’s food. Sign our petition, and let’s get another big win when it comes to toxin-free food!
Sign the Petition »
Please share our petition with friends and family, and post it on your social channels to help amp up the pressure. We want the FDA to hear loud and clear that consumers expect safer food now.

Thank you,

Meg Bohne
Consumer Reports
Done, Meg!
Dear Reader, won't you join in this campaign?
Many thanks!