Tuesday, July 24, 2018

shindig for supers!

The Ronald McDonald House had a fundraiser this afternoon and I couldn't resist being there!
"Super Summer Shindig" - such sweet syllables!
The alliteration drew me right in, of course.
Plus, I had a personal reason for my presence.
When my ex's grandson was born, the baby had to stay several days in the hospital. His mom spent those days, and nights, at this house... at no charge.
What a blessing!

What made this a 'super' event?
All the superheroes that were there, of course!
As well as those provided by Princess Productions
- such as the 'Amazon Princess' with me -
the kids and their parents were encouraged to
dress in costume.
Such fun!

Face painters were present to adorn all comers,
cornhole sacks were there to be tossed,
and there was food and drink, too.
Oh, yes, free food was in abundance, as was...
free ice cream!!!
Thank you, Ben & Jerry's, for making sure
to have nondairy available, too!
Better yet, it was the coconut almond fudge
chip that I love so much!

I'm so glad I was there to help support this fundraiser.
The birthday funds I donated were partly from me and partly from my exhusband. I know he would have been there if he could have been, to help this sanctuary that had sheltered his daughter.
I'll be watching for more of these in the future.
Who knows? Maybe he will make it to the next one!

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