Tuesday, September 11, 2018

not missing AB+

Subtitle: M ke s me ne wh le g in

As part of the American Red Cross's recent summer blood drive, "Missing Types", I donated a pint of whole blood last month.
(FYI: That was my third donation this year. I plan to give at least once more. A maximum possible of six donations can be given each year, 56 days apart. I think I'll try for that in 2019. To help someone live, make an appointment here.)
Today, they informed me that my pint of blood had a little adventure!
It took a trip to Alabama to help someone there!

"Dear Faustina,
Thank you for giving blood with the American Red Cross on 08/14/2018. After first ensuring that local needs were met, your blood donation was sent to UAB Health System in Birmingham, AL to help a patient in need. Your donation is on its way to change lives!
Every day, patients receive blood for a variety of conditions including life-threatening illnesses, blood disorders and traumas. Your blood donations are critical to helping save patients' lives.
On behalf of the hospitals and patients we serve, thank you for being a Red Cross blood donor.
Dr. Pampee Young
Pampee P. Young, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief Medical Officer
American Red Cross

How very nice of them to let me know!
I was once in Birmingham at the medical university. My BFF's little sister was graduating - with her Medical Doctorate in pediatrics.
Nice to know that my life-giving blood was used there.
i thank You, God, that i am able to donate blood.

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