Saturday, December 8, 2012

buzzing bees a-plenty!

Laugh out loud!
These stickers are fabulous!
Who else would have made a grumpy bee
but Jana Kinsman?
What a grand idea!
I would not have expected
such a thing when I backed this
kickstarter project
almost a year ago.
Now, I have her fanciful stickers and my very own bee!
As you can see,
her name is Martha
and she's quite a cheerful
little honey
as she flits from
one hawthorne flower
to another,
making sure those buds
will become red berries
for songbirds!
Thank you for supporting Bike-A-Bee on kickstarter. It meant a lot! It was a long and hot summer in Chicago but the bees fared well. Now let's hope for a reasonable winter! Have a lovely holiday season!
<3 Jana K.

Hip-hip-hooray for bees!
Now, what to do with these sweet rewards?
Well, she did say she had gone to an intensive program on beekeeping at the University of Minnesota Bee Lab - and I have family up in that state - so maybe Nikolas and Lillian will get these! We have a responsibility to the next generation to pass along the education!
Bees forever!


Anonymous said...

Update #9
Jan 30, 2013
Winter Update


Bike a Bee's first year came to a close and what a wonderful year it was. There were many challenges with the drought and continually hot weather, but most of the hives made it through fine. There were some losses, though. We lost three hives just at the beginning of winter and combined one small and weak hive with a stronger, healthier hive. Many beekeepers in the area reported similar losses. A combination of many factors are at play here, including insufficient honey stores, stress, and small populations.

This is how agriculture goes all over the world. You win some, you lose some, but every year you go back at it again with all of your energy. That's what Bike a Bee will be doing next year and for many years to come.

Allright BACKERS! Firstly, thank you for your patience. This was my first year as a full-time, self employed crazy person, and it was a lot of work. As of today, all of your postcards, stickers and bee drawings have been sent. The poster is 80% designed and will be hand-printed in late February when our printers get back from their honeymoon! At that time you'll also get your honey. It'll be a lovely little taste of summer during these cold times.

What's next? Well over the winter the bees stay inside their hives, huddled up for warmth. They eat the honey they worked so hard to collect over the summer and right about now they start gearing up for spring. The queen begins laying and the cycle starts all over again. The beekeeper's duties are minimal in the winter, though I am feeding the hives supplemental sugar-cakes to ensure that they do not run out of food. This summer did not provide much bounty for these first-year hives.

As far as my activities go, I am getting in touch with many more community gardens who are interested in hosting beehives. Hands-on classes are in the works for spring and throughout summer. I'm also working with my dear friend Lauren Gill to become a Non-For-Profit so that I can continue to give beehives for free to community-owned and maintained spaces. This way I will also be able to hold fundraisers with fun partners like local breweries! Free beer for bees? Okay!

Allright! That's it for now. Thanks again for you patience, and please, if you have any questions or comments, send them to me through Kickstarter, or I can be contacted at!

With love and warmth,

Jana (+ the bees!)

faustina said...

fliss on February 13, 2013

Nice video!
Keep up the good, hard work, you're doing a very good thing for the world... truly.

GO bees!!!

faustina said...

A fun song by Steam Powered Giraffe about a honeybee.