Sunday, December 2, 2012

boom bats in the house of z

I wish I could say I understood this show.
I do not.
Or is it, I donut?
Here's what I do know: that Z is one odd fellow and "Cthulhu's House of Z" is one odd show.

As Cthulhu, Z has endeavored to look the part, with misshapen face and with straggly hair and beard giving a tentacle-like appearance.
The neon-green sunglasses (just like mine!!!) keep him from being too creepy.

The neon-pink underwear below the trenchcoat and above the high-heeled shoes add that creep factor right back in, a la Dr. Frank N. Furter.
His show features three skits, or, as he calls them "scenarios." All feature donuts.
You heard me correctly: donuts.
Donuts being cut by saws.
Donuts being fresh and warm.
Donuts being smashed.
Donuts being eaten.
Interspersed between the skits are jokes and dances.
Overall, a rather entertaining show in the dark, emceed with a halting tongue and a soothing voice that encourages you to stay, enjoy, make yourself comfortable.
It's all PG, too, so your middle-schoolers could titter about it afterward.
But understand it?
Not I.
Even though I was glad to support this kickstarter project.
BOOM BAT GESTURE pushed my comfort zone a bit... and that is good.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Here's a portion of "A message of thanks from Cthulhu":

"Oh yeah...

I had a show. Hi. You came in. You didn't come in. I truly I thanks you. Thanks for that Guys.

The My Show it was Dark. The My Show it had Shrieks. The My Show had Z's it had Z's."

(then he added more, but here's the part I liked most)

Don't understand.
Thanks for that, Guys."