Wednesday, September 4, 2013

mint juleps and more, at my house, y'all

It's here!!!
Happy birthday to me!!!
Woohoo!!!! Lorenzo and Cree! Skeleton of It! Balloons, bellydancing, and boas! Comedy! Song!
Megan Jones, the kickstarter brain behind the scenes of "Ol' Devil Sherman and the Mint Juleps", had told me she would mail the dvd to me.
On the night of the show, the dvd had not yet been produced.
The plan was to videorecord both nights' shows, then create the film.
So, patience was needed for me to again enjoy the burlesque and music and dance...

But, here's the good thing about shopping local, y'all: she was able to hand deliver it to my house instead making me wait.
I arrived home from school to find this treat in my mailbox!
Yeah for Georgia and Savannah projects!

I had already received
this freshly minted
(get it?)
T-shirt on the night of the performance.
Isn't it lovely?!?
I just adore the burlesque beauties, chilling in the summer treat!

This is the sticker (which matches the button).
Here, you see the full design imprinted on the T-shirt.
Good, right, but aren't you glad I chose the close-up of the girls for showing off the T-shirt?
The Ol' Devil looks imposing and right distinguished, true...
but surely he is no rival to the attraction of the feminine lovelies inside his frosted glass!
No, sir!

I also have a totally lovely 8x10 glossy of the five lovely lasses!
Want to see it?
Well, maybe you can contact Megan and she will help you out.
I'm not sure how much the photos cost, but the dvd's are a bargain at $20.

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