Monday, January 20, 2014

ght girl charms with sundance

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at the Egyptian! I do so enjoy the Question & Answer sessions at film festivals here in Savannah - the one in Park City must have been fabulous!
I'm sure the cast of "God Help The Girl" was brilliant as they responded to the viewers in the Sundance Film Festival audience. What an incredible venue for their debut!
Here, Stuart shares the news of the world's response to our darling GTH Girl.

Update #42
Jan 20 2014

Hello Supporters!

We've been having a great time at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, where, after what seems like a very long wait, 'God Help The Girl' finally had its Premiere at the Egyptian Theatre on Saturday night. Emily, Olly, Hannah and Pierre were in town for the screening and the reception so far has been really good. We have one more screening to go tomorrow then our sights turn to the Berlinale where we open the Generation section on 7th February, our European Premiere! We really couldn't have hoped for two more perfect festivals to launch the film at and, at this point, really want to reiterate our appreciation for your support which was key in getting us this far and your patience waiting to see the movie you believed in enough to throw your money at!

If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter then we've been posting some initial press and social media responses so far. We won't bombard you but here are some links if you are interested:

Pre Sundance 'Le Monde' wrote a (hopefully) nice article we can't quite understand! The journalist spent some time with Stuart and Barry after our final test screening, and we're told he must have enjoyed it!

A nice piece in the LA Times after the premiere.

And the Guardian wrote about the film too. Only 3 stars but we did make him CRY!!!

Tonight Belle and Sebastian are playing an exclusive gig in Park City which should be lots of fun. Olly is opening for them playing some songs from his band Years and Years. We'll post some video and pictures from that tomorrow.

Kickstarter and Crowd Funded films are really visible at Sundance this year, it's very interesting to see how much that has had an effect on Independent Filmmaking.

Here are some pictures from Sundance...

The beautiful Egyptian Theatre where the film played on Saturday:

Here's the cast before the premiere, it's very casual here, which is nice, because it's also freezing cold!:

And one from the Q&A:
(shown above)

Thanks all, we will be in touch soon!

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall...


faustina said...

Oh, wow!!! They CREATED A NEW AWARD for GHTG!!!
"A World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award for the Delightful Ensemble Performance, and How the Director Brought His Own Unique Universe into Cinema was presented by Carlo Chatrian to:
God Help the Girl / United Kingdom (Director and screenwriter: Stuart Murdoch) — This musical from Stuart Murdoch of Belle & Sebastian is about some messed up boys and girls and the music they made. Cast: Emily Browning, Olly Alexander, Hannah Murray, Pierre Boulanger, Cora Bissett."

Here is the link for the entire article:

faustina said...

Rolling Stone proclaims GHTGone of "12 Must-See Sundance Successes" in this article!!!