Friday, November 24, 2017

jacob is an eagle!

Here he is, Jacob the Eagle Scout, standing proudly beside his completed project!
He looks like he's grown, doesn't he?
He actually completed the work, as well as earning all other badges required for the honorific title, several months ago. That was during the school year, though, so he opted to await the ceremony until all his supporters - including me (smile) could travel to Tallahassee for the ceremony.
He thinks like he's grown, too, doesn't he?

Here, he stands
with his dad and mom -
my blue-sky Penny -
prior to pinning them
with their awards
for their help and support
during his many years
as a Boy Scout.
After all, only
four per cent
of all Boy Scouts

ever earn the title of Eagle.

Then time came
for Jacob to award a pin
to someone who was
especially inspirational
for his hard work to become an Eagle.
He announced that he had two pins to award.
The first went to his Grandma Linda -
my Mama's one-and-only sister -
as an eagle swooped and soared over
the nearby pines.

(I'm sure that was Grandpa Bob,
himself an Eagle Scout,
the first one I ever knew.)
The second pin was awarded
to his dad, a lifelong Scout,
but never an Eagle.
You see, the status as Eagle
must be achieved by the 18th birthday...
or not at all.

You could actually see the transition from teenager to young man.
By the time he received the Eagle Charge, he was every bit as solemn as the occasion warranted, showing by his stance and his face that he fully accepted those responsibilities.
He is most assuredly grown now.
I am so very proud of him and his dedication.
I know my Uncle Bob would agree.

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