Wednesday, February 14, 2018

breaking up is hard to do

... but sometimes that option is the best for all concerned.
When talking about sodium content in food, breaking up seems extra difficult.
Most flora naturally contain sodium. It is one of the key nutrients that plants obtain from the soil and liquid around them.
That means almost every fruit and vegetable consumed will contain sodium.
Every grain - including oats, wheat, rice, barley, corn - also contains sodium.
With all of this sodium naturally present, why add more to food?
Well, as many would say, it enhances the taste.
For hundreds of years, humanity has used sodium chloride as a seasoning agent.
In fact, Roman soldiers were once paid with salt, as it was so highly prized.
Back then, not only was salt used for flavor, but also for preservation of foods.
After all, the refrigerator had not yet been invented.

The American Heart Association has a new initiative, #BreakUpWithSalt.
I urge you to take the Pledge to Reduce Sodium.
That is a first step toward better health for you and everyone who dines at your table.
Then, take action by contacting owners of fast-food franchises, owners of food processors, owners of restaurants - just by clicking right here.
The AHA has done all the heavy lifting, essentially adding a megaphone for your voice to be heard.
Believe me, when we speak together, even those high up the ladder hear us.
Here's the latest message from AHA on the progress:

"About this time last year, more than 1,000 of you took back control of your food and sent letters to the CEO of McDonald’s, calling for the company to prioritize healthier options. Today, McDonald's took a first step in answering your call for change. The fast food restaurant has announced a commitment to offering healthier kids’ meal options for millions of families across the globe.
This is a big step in the right direction, and it’s because customers like you have shown your support for healthier foods. When you consider that 220 million happy meals are sold each year in the US, taking steps to make them healthier is good for kids.
We know there is more work to do with McDonalds and look forward to continuing to work with them and other restaurants.

Yes, the company only committed to making a change for children's meals...
and that result was in direct response to the expressed request of a small portion of the population.
Just over one thousand voices raised in protest caused that change.

I urge you to take action now, let your voice be heard. We all need to have sodium reduced in our foods, not only for the sake of the children, but also for our sake.
Contact the restaurant association to decrease salt content in the food offered.
Contact Congress to keep information about sodium content on nutrition labels.
Contact the CEO's of popular fast-food companies to decrease salt content.
Be the Voice Of The Future, for yourself and those you love.
That will be a lasting gift on this Valentine's Day... and is completely free.

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