Saturday, May 26, 2018

halfway to 13!

I had thought to title this "happy birthday to three strangers", but, no...
why not be more obscure?
So, just what is the meaning of the title above?
Well, let me remind the reader of this post, about a year ago.
At that time, I had completed twelve gallons of blood donated to the world.
Since then, I've allowed the American Red Cross to draw four more pints from me, as gifts to a total of twelve people, somewhere in the world.
As four pints is two quarts...
and two quarts is half of a gallon...
that means I'm halfway to completing my thirteenth gallon!
Feels good, too.
As a nice bonus, today I was given this new T-shirt!
I'm regarding it as a birthday gift - oh, yes I am!
Thanks, y'all!
i thank You, God, to be able to donate life's liquid to others.

1 comment:

American Red Cross said...

It's your Birthday!

Happy Birthday!Blow out the candles, eat some cake and take some time to celebrate you!

After all, you are a blood donor. You selflessly share your life with others, and that should be celebrated! By donating blood, you have helped grant the wishes of patients in serious need – the wish to be healed, to feel better, or just have more time.

Celebrate your life and the life you've shared with others!
Happy Birthday from your friends at the American Red Cross.