Tuesday, November 5, 2019

helping a bear do a good deed

By "bear" I mean the psychologist for whom I am an honorary Auntie.
A teacher who was dear to him died unexpectedly this year and what was his reaction?
To set up a scholarship in her name.
As a teacher, I was quite touched that he would do such a loving thing for her.
Aubrey Shoemaker must have been a truly magnificent person.
Kevin Crabtree spent a lot of effort designing apparel that he hopes to sell, to help keep the scholarship funded for years to come.
The design he settled upon was of a Bi-Polar Bear, drawn as if on a playing card.
(He didn't draw it; he had the illustrator for his upcoming graphic novel handle that.)
He even gave me one of the T-shirts so I could parade it around!
He and I wore matching shirts one time, too, to help promote the cause.
Very cool!
Today, I mailed a check for $100 to the Walters State Community College Foundation, to honor Kevin and in memory of his teacher and friend.
That amount is my standard gift when a niece or nephew - such as him - graduates from high school or college. 
He graduated from that college in Tennessee, so, if I had known him back then, he would have received that type of gift from his Auntie T.
For anyone else who would like to contribute, here is the address.

Shoemaker Scholarship
c/o WSCC Foundation
500 S. Davy Crockett Parkway
Morristown, TN 37813

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