Friday, December 27, 2019

2019 impact via nerdfighters

I may not be traveling much these days and making an impact...
but my money certainly has been.
It's been less money than you might think, but it has affected quite a few lives.
Admittedly, I was not aware until I received the following from Kiva.

***** ***** *****
What a year! Faustina, thanks for changing lives with us.
Here's a review of the impact you've made in 2019.

In 2019, you lent


to borrowers around the world.

Loans you made


Countries you impacted


Borrowers you supported

***** ***** *****

Considering that each loan I made was only twenty-five dollars, that's testimony to how much change can occur through a very small investment.
Twenty-five dollars.
And I gave that amount seven times.
Having this report certainly encourages me to continue giving up one meal at a restaurant, every other month, for the sake of helping someone's business provide for their community or someone's child to attend school.
Twenty-five dollars.
It's as easy as point and click.

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