Thursday, December 28, 2023

being an active, informed, consumer, for benefit of all

This year, I've been especially active with Consumer Reports.
A petition that needs signed to get the ball rolling?
I got you!
An email to my elected Congress members?
I'm on it!
Personal comments requested to save national treasures?
I'll get right on it!
Today, they sent me a thank you, with a list of accomplishments.
How very nice!
* * * * *
Dear Faustina,

If you ever doubted the power you have when you sign a Consumer Reports’ petition, or send an email to a lawmaker or a company, just consider what we achieved together in the past few months:

    - Convinced Amazon, Walmart and Target to stop selling dangerous water bead toys – saving countless families from tragedy when these tiny gel beads are accidentally swallowed by toddlers and balloon in their vital organs.
    - Delivered massive consumer support for a proposal to cap credit card late fees at $8, rather than up to $41 – saving struggling Americans $9 billion a year in unnecessary fees if implemented next year.
    - Passed the first-ever state ban on the known carcinogen Red Dye No. 3 in food. This California law is already prompting companies to remove the toxin from food sold nationally – the maker of PEEPS Easter candy has committed to ending its use, and others are considering removing it before the state law goes into effect.
   - Pressured credit bureaus to give you permanent access to FREE weekly credit reports – helping everyone have a stronger financial future, and saving you up to $14 for each time you check your credit record.

Of course these and other victories weren’t easy. They took months and even years of us working tirelessly together – signing petitions and sending emails to lawmakers, testing products for safety and reliability, exposing anti-consumer practices, and pushing industry to change its ways.
We couldn’t do this without you, Faustina. And we have a lot more to do together in 2024.
We are already gearing up in the New Year to pass strong rules and laws that would finally end junk fees on everything from airline flights, hotel stays, cable and internet bills, and bank accounts – saving an average family of four up to $3,200 a year.
We’ll be expanding on work to get more data privacy rights that protect you and your family online; take on the threats and biases from Artificial Intelligence; as well as make sure you have the Right to Repair your expensive electronics yourself or at the shop of your choice, rather than having to go through the manufacturer.
And don’t forget safer food – we’re keeping up the pressure to get dangerous lead and heavy metals out of dark chocolate, and we have new rounds of testing coming out in the New Year that should change the food industry.
Of course, the special interests will try every trick in the book to undermine the things we’ve fought together for – and to block any new reforms. We're nimble, we're tough, and we can multitask like crazy, but to fight on all these fronts we need your support. So this is where we ask for your help.
Consumer Reports was founded by consumers, for consumers. We are a strictly independent nonprofit, and for more than 87 years we have been supported by people like you – through your subscriptions, through your donations, through your continued partnership.
Thank you for all that you do for a more fair, just and safe marketplace. And may you and your family have a Happy New Year!

Regina Schwartz
Consumer Reports
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Thanks for the acknowledgements, y'all!

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