Wednesday, December 27, 2023

turkey, with a side of cambodia

Today, I brought my number of countries supported via Kiva to 36.
Very nice!
I do like their new lending policy!
In all the years - a dozen and counting - that I've been with Nerdfighters on the Kiva crowd-sourcing site, each loan had to be a minimum of $25, or multiples thereof.
Now, the minimum amount lent is set to $5, allowing more flexibility and more lending.
That flexible option has allowed me to help finance two loans.
The first that I chose was to Davy, in Cambodia.
Here is the profile on the website.
"Davy is a seller and business owner. 
Since she has been making foods to sell for about 60 month. 
It has gained a good reputation and now has a strong base of loyal customers. 
She started that business to provide for her family. 
She has applied for a loan from Kiva to buy some groceries to make foods to sell. 
This business is offering her community more options and giving her the opportunity to build a better life for her family. 
More competitors and the rainy season are her major challenges.
This loan is special because it provides entrepreneurs with resources to increase income and improve their living conditions.
She sounds like she's running a diner, to allow folks to purchase meals she makes fresh.
I appreciate how valuable a service that is to her community!
As I have kept my sanity by such services in my own seaport, I loaned her $20.
Thanks to repayments from several of my Kiva loans, I had a credit of $42.
That was enough to make two good loans, as well as help Kiva in their funding. 
As that fee for the loan to be processed is about $3.50 per loan, that left $15 for me to make a rare second loan.

I chose Yasemin, in Turkey, for that second loan.
Here is her profile.
"Yasemin is 50 years old, married, and has a daughter. 
She started working to support her husband and daughter. She sells food containers and food storage boxes.
She will buy food containers and food storage boxes with the loan she will receive through Kiva.
This loan is special because it supports underserved women in rural parts of Turkey.
Those are all plastic, no doubt the same linear, high density, polyethylenes that I worked with for my doctorate in analytical chemistry, almost thirty years ago.
Good for her, I thought!
So, to help her loan get fully funded, I left a comment on her profile.
"How wonderful that she is selling a reusable product! 
Not only will the foods stored in the plastic containers stay fresh longer, but those foods will also be safe from infestation from bugs or animals. 
That's good for the health of those who eat the food.
- Faustina
I do hope both women will soon see their loans fully funded...
and wish them much success in their endeavors!


faustina said...

Yasemin's loan is already fully funded!!!
I'm not saying my comments on her page didn't help... but they didn't hurt, either!
I hope Davy's loan will soon be fully funded, too.
Both women have already received the loan money; that was back in November, when the loans were first posted on Kiva.
It makes me wonder: does a loan that isn't fully funded have to be returned to Kiva?
I think the loan recipient just has to return the unfunded portion.
Sounds like homework for me!

faustina said...

Curious, I checked...
and Davy's loan is fully funded!!!
Hooray for her!