Friday, August 31, 2012

student aid

At the beginning of each new school year, in the fall, the University has a drive to raise funds for on-campus projects. The campaign is called First Day, but it is held through the end of the first month.
Today is the end of First Day.
For those who gave above a certain threshold amount, the school offered a special gift, hoping to encourage folks to be generous. After all, the threshold was only US$125.
The First Day campaign even allowed donors to select a general fund or specific projects for the money to support. Nice! I chose the Science Bowl project, partly because I participate with that project as a reader every January and February, but also because it encourages an interest in science for high school students. I recall fondly the science projects I was fortunate enough to be part of in middle school and high school. I know firsthand what a postitive impact that has had on my life and am proud to be able to "pay it forward", so to speak.
As I was saying, the University set up a reward program for First Day donors. The picture above is one of eight notecards I received, each with a different photograph taken on campus grounds.
Very nice!
I look forward to using each and every one of the cards!

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