Tuesday, April 1, 2014

reminder from billy to laugh

Before this day of celebration of practical jokes comes to an end, I want to say this: remember to laugh.
Tonight, I watched "Billy Brown" for the third time.
I had remembered watching it before, and I had remembered the general gist of it, but not the details. Looking back at my blog entries, I saw that I had written of my support of the kickstarter project and I had written of my receipt of the golden T-shirt reward, but I did not see an entry for the film itself. Instead, there was an allusion to me needing to find a time to watch it.
I did not see in the comments that I had done so in May of 2012. I did not see that I had watched it not once, but twice, and cried both times. I had even written to Andrew Morgan, the writer, to tell him how moved I had been and he had responded with his thanks for my letting him know of its impact.
Here's the funny part: I had added those comments to the blog entry in January of this year. THIS year, 2014, when I was updating these blog entries after almost two years of complete neglect.

So, not recalling having made those comments a scant two months ago, I was resolved to "make it right". I again cried.
I don't want you to misunderstand me. This is not a sad film; instead, it is a film about celebrating life when death has made off with a loved one. It is about choosing to recall the funny moments when you feel utterly consumed by the deep, dark, sadness of the world.
Today truly was the right time to see this man help people with humor.
To remember the fun, funny times shared.
My many thanks.

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