Monday, October 20, 2014

pardon me, my stats are slipping

I popped over to to update my backer information, as I've recently received more rewards for successful projects I've supported. Nice to keep up to date with that, you know!
As I had noted in March, I had allowed that responsibility to slip past, unaware of that page in my profile. No more! I have been working fervently to remedy that situation, writing reviews of the fabulous rewards the project creators have graced me with, even friending them on or and posting my links on their pages.
THAT has been very gratifying to both me and them. They are reminded that there is an appreciative audience for their creative outlet. I am reminded of how much I enjoy being a responsive part of that audience.
Definitely: win, win!
So, as I was saying, today I took a moment to update my backer information.
After all, I wanted to let Marty Kelley know that his red-cape-bedecked book had traveled safely to my waiting hands and would soon continue on its journey as a birthday gift to my nephew, Conner.
And, while on that "Backer history" page, I noticed an odd thing.
My "pie" didn't look right.
In March of this year, the "pie" had thirteen colorful wedges. Each brightly-hued wedge represented that I had given financial support to at least one project in the category represented in the "pie".
In March of this year, my "pie" was complete.
No more.
Two white wedges, nearly bisecting the "pie" into halves, stared blackly at me.
I ran my cursor over the wedges.
Say what???

Sadly, the two white wedges are real.
Shortly after I had anteed up on "The Broken Hearts Table", the folks in charge at kickstarter made a few changes. Noticing that some of the subcategories had generated quite a few projects, two were deemed worthy of becoming slices in the pie of categories.
The announcement was posted in their blog on June 11 of this year.
Seriously, I only missed knowing about this by two days.
Then again, I imagine I was notified by email about the new post in their blog, but, at the time, I didn't truly comprehend its meaning.
Those two white wedges in my "pie" gave the news the needed impact.
I am certainly conscious of it now.
Time to complete my "pie" again!

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