Monday, November 17, 2014

oskar and klaus find bigfoot!

Those two cats certainly lead a busy life!
Check out their Friskies music video with Grumpy Cat and friends! That fundraiser for hungry kittehs everywhere was featured in the "Huffington Post"!
You can also read about it here, in the Rolling Stone!!!
Even Jon Stewart featured them on "The Daily Show"!!!!
Oskar and Klaus have so many adventures together!
The bfe and I do, too.
That's one of the reasons I am so excited about the timing of this book's arrival. You see, my bfe (best friend extraordinaire) has a birthday later this very week! I had so hoped to be able to surprise him with this extra special treat, and, thanks to Mick Szydlowski and company, that hope is reality!
I must be doing something right!
I believe I was directed toward kickstarter at just the right time to find this project. Not only would my support benefit the production of the book - and the audiobook! - but the reward would be a magnificent gift for my favorite "thirteen-year-old boy" (his words for himself).
Like Bigfoot, my friend is an excellent cook, using fancy recipes that I would never prepare. Dinners at his place are a treat for the eyes as well as the tastebuds and nose!
Like Bigfoot, he also has recently become a jazz aficionado and has quite a record collection. How cool is that?
And, like Bigfoot, he likes hot tea and has a tea kettle.
Unlike Bigfoot, he is not allergic to cats and has two old ladies he loves dearly. His two girls, Chloe and Contessa, would certainly have quite a fun time with such gentlemanly cats as Oskar and Klaus!
However, Seattle is quite a long haul from this city by the sea.
I do so hope the kittehs here will be read this glorious adventure, perhaps as a bedtime tale to inspire sweet dreams...
I'll be sure that happens!

What about the patch, you ask?

That belongs to me!

I'm thrilled to belong to "an INCLUSIVE club for anyone who seeks to make each day an adventure"!

1 comment:

faustina said...

The second copy of this delightful book now belongs to my great-niece Alyssa, for her first "big girl" book (i.e., with dust jacket).
She's eight years old.