Monday, March 13, 2017

capturing friends in new art

This is part of an on-going art project by Axelle Kieffer.
Thanks to my dear Peace Rogue, Joe Guy, I had found out about the work in January. I then examined my closets and dresser for garments which were monochromatic; specifically, they had to be totally black or totally white.
I selected six pieces, most with special significance to me and gave them to her, explaining their importance.
That was only two months ago and she has already incorporated them into her work!

The knobby white sweater,
here serving as a
foot-like structure,
was one I'd had
for so many years
that I don't even recall
how it came into my life.
It was one of my favorites
during cold days,
even though
it had stretched
and was
far too large for me.

The ruffle-bottomed,
pleated white cotton skirt,
to the left in this shot,
was mine, too.
I had purchased it
for the 2002 Mediterranean cruise
which was the tenth anniversary trip
for my husband and I.
Good memories!

The foot of the first leg
may well be the twin
of that white skirt,
also bought for that
cruise to Italy
and France and Malta.
Such good memories!
The "knee" appears to be
the lacy black bra
that I wore for the
2007 New Year's Eve gala,
after our divorce.
Good, but different,
memories for that one.

As for the white trouser socks and the black stockings I donated, I'll have to ask her for their locations.
Are you perhaps thinking it's too late to help her?
Just so you know, she told me "I hope local people will participate and give used clothes so the installation can grow."
Well, you heard her!
You, too, can be part of the local art scene!
All you have to do is contact her.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Here's the post I wrote when I donated the clothing to her.

How good to have been able to provide this non-financial support to her!
If she'd had to buy all those pieces, she most certainly would not have made this creation.
Fliss to the rescue, no kickstarter needed this time!