Thursday, September 8, 2022

school fundraisers!

Proof positive that a new school year has begun: two great-nephews and one great-niece have hit me up for help.

Help with topics in chemistry? 

Nope, not yet!

They're too young to have such subjects, as two are in kindergarten and one is in the fourth grade.


But the boys go to a private school and the girl is in a charter school.

That means that new technology for the classrooms come from a source other than the school's budget.

Hence, the fundraisers.

Last year was the first time I helped out Sebi and Bert's school.

Back then, I had pledged a flat amount for each boy.

This year, I've switched it up a few notches!

My pledge is $4.34 per lap that each completes in the St. James 5th Splash And Dash.

I'm hoping they'll compete well, but I also hope they will enjoy the treat they will receive from my pledge.

Each will have a memento, a Play All Day ball, that will hopefully remind them of me.


As for the littlest girl's fundraiser, it's my first time.

Hers is an item-based style, with Miyah needing a dozen items to be ordered so she can attend the school's Bounce House Party.

I took that as an excuse to do a bit of early Christmas shopping!


I just know mi tres amigas will love the darling Mint Penguins, especially as they each get a box of their own.

As for my two brothers, they're gonna love the Old Bay seasoned snack mix - ah, good memories of Low Country Boils with family!

And for me?

Gnomes Gift Wrap for all my holiday needs!

Don't they look like they could be members of ZZ Top?



faustina said...

Sebi and Bert each completed 35 laps!
That meant I had to pay their school $306.45!!!
Hopefully, that means every kid will now have the Visual aid the school needed.

And for those who did the math?
That amount included the charge fee, so the school didn't have to pay it.
Ya thought ya caught me in a math error, didn't ya?

faustina said...

I received my two checks this past week for my work on the movie set.
All told, it's $288.05.
I had wondered what to do with those funds!
Well, I wonder no more.
What a good use of that money!
i thank You, God!