Sunday, June 17, 2012

cthulhu's house of z

How did I find myself involved in this project?
The same way I became a supporter of this one: as I have discovered, I have several friends who are fans of that mythology.
You know, the mythology of Cthulhu.
For me, my interest was kindled by a fundraiser last year. Two dear friends had opened a new venue for artists of all types to display their creative talents. After that two-night event, Cthulhu was definitely on my radar.
Or should that be "on my sonar"?
In either case, whenever I see the name, I read on.
This kickstarter project sounds like something that would be right at home at Muse Arts Warehouse. If it were, I would certainly be there to see it!
As it is not local, I will do the next best thing. I will support it financially, along with a few other folks. BOOM BAT GESTURE is so close to their goal!
My thirty-three bucks will help push them toward that goal... and gain me a DVD of their show! Sah-weet! It'll be as close as I will be able to get to a performance art show in New York City.
Break a leg, y'all!

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