Friday, December 5, 2014

i've been dieselpunk'd!

After participating in a variety of events today, I came home to... my reward postcard!!!
Such a beauty it is, n'est-ce pas?

Tome Wilson inscribed it:
Dear Faustina,
Today we are the shapers of the world of tomorrow.
For the future!

Marvelous words!!!
Less than two months ago, I had supported the "Dieselpunks Will Not Fall" project on kickstarter. I had mentioned here two other projects from my past which could be classified under the umbrella of "dieselpunk".
Silly me.
I have actually supported quite a few others which I had not known to inhabit that same realm! Goodness, in the category occupied by Cthulhu, I have helped birth four creative progeny! The first was not derived from kickstarter, but was a locally "crowd-sourced" fundraising event. There was art! There were readings! There was even music! I walked away with a mask of Cthulhu (for me!) and many items which traveled to waiting hands in El Cerrito. A very fine two-evening event!
Then, in 2011, my stepdad died and I found myself enriched with free money left over from my mother's retirement account. I set aside a grand to enrich the world with new creations and searched kickstarter for inspiration. I found wrapping paper with Cthulhu images! What a treat for my dear friend JinHi! What a nice way to show my appreciation for having been part of her Lovecrafted fundraiser!
Then I was off and running! On a single evening in June of 2012, I found two more projects related to the world of Lovecraft. The first was a new play, created by Boom Bat Gesture. Perhaps the term "performance art" is more relevant than "play"... yes, definitely! When the DVD recording of the finished theatrical piece arrived six months later, I was quite pleased!
The other project backed on that summer eve has not yet found its way to completion. That is through no fault of its creator, Ezra Claverie. He has written the play and the two short stories, as promised, and forwarded them to me in PDF style. However, the hardcover version of his work, which I have awaited for more than two years, may never exist. No worries! I have recently printed the volume and hope to soon find time to read and review. Stay tuned to read all about it!
Meanwhile, I hope to spend a some time exploring the website I helped sustain.
Later, y'all!

1 comment:

Tome said...

Thanks Fliss!

I'm really happy you liked the card. Let me know if you have any suggestions for Dieselpunks. We're always growing, and I want to be sure we're growing in your direction.

For the future,