Monday, March 12, 2012

up the creek, with a good paddle

Sen3Productions completed their film in December of last year, thanks to me and the other four kickstarter backers. I received the dvd in the mail just a few days ago and finally made time to truly sit and watch.
Most impressive and gratefully real.
I sent the following to the makers of "Allegheny Creek".
fliss wrote on March 12, 2012
I have just finished watching your film on dvd. Wow.
When I provided support to your project, I had only the knowledge that a man was seeking redemption. I had not expected the story itself to so closely parallel that of my youngest brother. When he is released, I will be sure to have him view it.
BTW, not all Southern accents are as thick as those of others. I'm a Georgia peach, but not a Southern belle, and appreciate the opportunity to to dispel stereotypes. :-)
Again, thank you for the dvd and do keep making strong films such as this. Difficult subject matter needs a firm voice.

Apparently, they must have been right there in kickstarter at the time, as the writer immediately replied!
Sen3Productions wrote on Mar 12, 2012
Thank you so much for the kind words, I actually laughed when we watched the behind the scenes footage and said. "Oh no, I believe one of our sponsors is a Georgia peach and I hope she doesn't take that the wrong way."
I'm very sensitive to accents so I can tell a peach from a belle, but most New Yorkers just hear twang and assume its all the same. That was why I wanted to be sure not to just blurt out a "southern accent" and made sure to study the appalachian accent in particular. I stressed soooo much to Marcin that southern dialects vary and it needs to be distinct, so I was happy that he was able to come through (and hopefully I did as well) :)
You are the second person to say this story hit home, so that really touches me as a writer. It's good to know the story can speak to even ONE person let alone two, so thank you again.
All the best to you and to your brother.

Nice, but also sad, to know others can relate to the story.

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