Wednesday, February 25, 2015

jelli and the gnawzler: creatures on the wall!

Swimming in the ocean of the Kickstarter Wall
Jelli Oculari floats among the Okinawan fronds
while the Orange Gnawzler creeps and crawls
through the flowery undergrowth.

My thanks, once more, to the two women behind this project!

Monday, February 16, 2015

wandzel muralcle valentine gift

The best things in life don't have a price tag.
The good folks involved with the muralcle just keep giving and giving.
When the Savannah Art Wall on Habersham was being demolished last year, word was sent to its kickstarter backers.
"Want a piece of the wall? Come and get it!"
So I did.
With Matt's help, I located my special brick in the wall.
The one painted by Troy Wandzel on a hot June day in 2012.
I had not remembered the day being videotaped, but it was.
For a last Valentine from SeeSAW, the video link was given to us.
No further exchange of funds, no rushing to buy anything.
Just a true gift from the heart.
But that wasn't all.
When I watched the video, there was an extended segment when I was the subject. Starting at video time 0:49, and ending at 0:52, I'm in each frame.
I had forgotten that I was wearing Daddy's shirt.
But I can almost remember the conversations we were having. Especially when he had to mix that neon green for my sunglasses.
What a day of sunshine and good times!
I have watched the video, at least that segment, several times now. I even slowed it down, to step through it. Thanks to the huge monitors on the Macs on campus, I was able to snap a few photos to keep here.
While I am aware that they may not be in actual sequence, I still think they are a good document of the event.
I know I will treasure them... and that day.
Thanks, y'all!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

atomic size matters

I needed to do something positive today.
Earlier, I found out about the deaths of two women in my social circles. I wasn't as close to them as I might one day have been, as our friendships are still fairly new.
Nonetheless, their deaths have left a dark place in my psyche.
How better to remedy the loss than by helping with the creation of something new?
As a chemist, this kickstarter project truly speaks to me. Veronica Berns, a recent doctoral graduate in chemistry, has inked a comic book to help explain solid state chemistry to her family and friends.
Pretty nifty, right?
What is solid state chemistry?
You know, the stacking of atoms to create micro-scale versions of old-fashioned vacuum tubes and transistors to help your computers, laptops, and even phones be "smart" for you, while still being physically small and lightweight. A scant 35 years ago, I was an electronics maintenance technician for the US Navy's "modern" computers, machines which were the size of refrigerators and required their own sterile, cool, environments - and had a fraction of the operating memory of today's electronic toys.
That's less than two generations ago! Amazing!
But I digress, as I am known to do...
My $29 is not really needed by her campaign. Her science project has struck a chord and has garnered more than double the amount she had set as her goal.
Amazing! Does my heart good to know there are more than five hundred nerds like me who want a copy of her book. I wonder how many of the backers are also teachers like me?
I'll look forward to its shipment in May - just in time for my birthday!