Friday, June 21, 2019

no rollers needed for my blood

What on this blue-green planet am I talking about?
Well, I guess it would help if I showed the cartoon from "Close To Home".
John McPherson reminds me of "The Far Side" with his humor.

The comic depicts a donor lying on a table with a contraption with giant rollers at the bottom of his feet.
The nurse assures him that giving a pint will "only take about fourteen seconds".
Hahahaha hahaha!
I had seen the comic a week or two ago and saved it, knowing I had a trip to the American Red Cross coming soon.
Deborah, the front desk clerk, loved it!
She immediately made copies to share!

How long did my blood donation take today?
From the very moment I walked in and had my vitals taken, answered the questions, had the extra-rich fluid drawn off, and then returned up front for water and snacks was not quite thirty minutes - my usual.

That placed me in the three percent of Americans who donate blood.
I'm one of the three percent of Americans who are willing to set aside thirty minutes of their day, just once a year, to save someone's life.
Three percent of Americans.
Surely we, as a nation, can increase that number...
can't we?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to enjoy my lunch!
It's courtesy of Jason's Deli, for my birthday60+1, and features the very best parts of their salad bar.