Friday, May 17, 2019

hope for health for all

Good news, y'all!
Congress' elected officials seem to be responding to the constituents!

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5/17/2019 10:59 AM
american heart association
Breaking News

Faustina --

Last night, thanks in large part to the dedication of You’re the Cure advocates, the United States House of Representatives passed a package of health care bills, including one that would block low-quality health care plans that put our health at risk from being sold across the country.

The package of bills that passed last night, known as HR 987, included a number of provisions that would help strengthen the ACA and protect people with pre-existing conditions.

Thank you for contacting your Representative in support of this package of bills.

Your efforts made a BIG difference in the House of Representatives, but our work is not done, and the package of bills still needs to pass the Senate before it has a chance to become law. Millions of Americans are still at risk from being victimized by low-quality health care coverage, but this was a great first step. We expect the Senate will soon introduce similar legislation with the goal of expanding access to quality and affordable health care and limiting access to low-quality, dangerous coverage.

When the Senate introduces their legislation, it will be even more important than ever that our lawmakers hear from us. The House listened to our calls for action and it’s up to us to make sure the Senate does the same. In the coming weeks, please be on the look-out for ways to help expand access to quality health care, but for now take a second to celebrate this great victory for public health!

Thank you for all that you do and talk soon!

Amy Shope Manzi
Director, Grassroots Advocacy
American Heart Association
Heart Disease and Stroke.
You’re the Cure.

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and thank you.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

thanks for a friendly wave

Perhaps I chose these three groups because they were vetted by Nerdfighters like me.
Perhaps the three groups of friends banded together appealed to me.
Perhaps my impending birthday has made me feel especially generous.
I'll let you look at them and see if you can determine my rationale.

These four represent the Zimbabwe Group, in Malawi.
Their goal is to purchase wrappers - i.e., wrap dresses - in a variety of prints to offer choice to their customers.
This is my first loan to this type of enterprise and my first loan to their country.

These women comprise the Diasso Awa Group of Burkina Faso, another landlocked country in Africa.
The goal for this group is the sale of food, specifically tubers, and to grow that business.
This is my first loan to this type of enterprise and my first loan to their country.

These brightly-clad women are Las Palmeras 1 Group, living in Guatemala.
Now on their third loan, they are branching out from textiles to agriculture, looking to coffee plants for their expansion.
I have supported loans for agriculture before, and this is not my first loan to their country.

So, have you determined why I chose these three for my funding?
I'm sure you have, given the title of this post.
Let's hope others are attracted to their gesture of friendship, too.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

helping to help a friend

Tonight, I attended "A Dandy In Aspic", a 1968 British spy film with a delightful twist, at the Sentient Bean. I had a check in hand to first help Jim Reed by supporting his Psychotronic Film Society of Savannah. I was given a choice to buy one 5-movie pass at twenty-five dollars or to buy two of them for forty dollars.
In honor of my upcoming birthday, I purchased two of them.
Not only was that a better treat for me, it also placed needed cash in his hands.
He will be hosting a special PFS screening at the 'Bean on May 19 - a Sunday - to help my friend Carolyn.

She has been having dental issues for months now.
Her only recourse to relieve her pain is a very expensive surgery which will involve cutting out two of her teeth. Later dental work will then be needed to replace those molars and perform root canals.
She is in her seventies, living on a tight budget. She would never be able to afford to have this work done. She has two siblings - one a psychologist in Pensacola, the other long-retired and living in North Carolina - but they are of no help to her.
Hence, the "family" of friends she has chosen is being called to her rescue.
That includes me, naturally, plus a myriad of other folks here in Savannah.
After all, she's a native Savannahian and has played hostess to many in her life.
So, on May 19, we will be celebrating her with a movie and raffles, with all proceeds going toward her dental bills, past and present.
Did I say "past"?
Indeed I did, as she is to have the surgery to cut out the problematic teeth on Monday, May 13th.
A friend has loaned her those emergency funds, but will need to be repaid.
Hopefully, the special Sunday screening will raise enough to reimburse that person and give a start for the funds which will be required to complete the future dental work.
I have a Grant that I have been saving for a special treat, but I'm going to donate it for this special person instead.
That will be money well-spent... and better than any "thing" I might have purchased.