Tuesday, March 23, 2021

pantiliners for change

Yes, I know, it doesn't seem like such a big deal.
I mean, really... pantiliners that make a difference?
But these do.
I was shopping for a bargain and found one that was beyond my expectations.
How so?
The company that makes these, this is L, have a policy that specifically benefits women and menstruating girls.
Here it is, in their own words.

We see access to clean and simple period care as a fundamental
right for every body and an opportunity for change.
That’s why our solidarity program is a one-for-one model that gives back to communities with every purchase;
every time you buy L. one period care product is made accessible to someone around the world who needs it.
Our holistic approach is to provide monetary grants to non-profit organizations that share our model of giving. Through these partnerships we prioritize projects in high-impact communities, increasing long-lasting access to period care products with the distribution of: pad-making machines, reusable pads and period education. The ultimate goal is to help ensure that communities in need maintain access to clean and sustainable period care products for years to come.

My simple act of purchasing a package of their feminine hygiene products not only benefits their company, but has farther-reaching ripples of change as it supplies a woman in need, somewhere else in the world, with a free package of the same.
Thanks, y'all, for letting me lend a hand, too.

Monday, March 8, 2021

a mom with good credit

Today is International Women's Day and kiva has lenders eager to match all contributions to those seeking these loans.
I chose Rusi as the benefactress of my largesse, small though it is.
Partly I chose her because of how she was described: "a mom with good credit history" - I can relate to that.
Partly I chose her because she lives in Kenya, a country I have not yet supported with my funds.
The deciding factor, though, was the wording used for the summation of her background and purpose for the loan.
"Rusi is a 57 year old mother living in Litein, a land of seemingly never ending beauty. She is a mixed dairy and crop farmer who has farmed for the past many years. Through farming she has given her family a solid reputation.
Rusi is seeking this loan to buy farming inputs which she plans to use to improve her production and earn more income to support her family.
Rusi is looking forward to your warm response to her loan request. Your loan will enable her to make the upcoming season good for her family.
Her town is "a land of seemingly never ending beauty"?
Mine, too.
She seems to have such a positive outlook on life!
I wish her much continued success, for herself and for her family.
I am grateful to have been able to lend her $25 and to have that sum matched by others.
Maybe someone else would like to help her, or another woman?
Tell them a Nerdfighter sent you, to help fight suck in this world.