Tuesday, April 28, 2015

astrological androids in my house!

My reward has arrived!
So very beautiful it is, too,
not just in appearance,
but also in satisfaction
of the tactile sense of touch!
Such a fancy upgrade to the cover!
What a superb job Cody Vrosh did illustrating "The Android's Astrological Companion"!
I want to read the stories now, but I must wait.
The school semester is winding to a close
and I have mountains of papers to grade.
Patience, my dear, patience.
The summer will soon arrive,
with time a-plenty for
many things postponed to be done.
Perhaps by a pool somewhere...

Cody also included his book,
"The Zodiac of Teeth"!
With a bespectacled,
goateed unicorn on the cover
of this minibook,
it looks to be great fun!
Thanks to the kickstarter project
reaching - and exceeding -
three stretch goals,
this bonus was added.
Way to go, y'all!
Again, sadly, I must wait
until I have time
to fully enjoy it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

pardon my swoon - GHT Girl has arrived!!!

Is it Christmas? My birthday? Some other special occasion?
You betcha!!!
It's "G H T G Day" at my house!
i thank You, God!

No more
traveling to other towns
for the movie!

No more
paper copy
of the "Cast & Crew" pin!
She arrived early, too! I was not expecting her until this summer, honestly. Stuart had sent a message about the distribution date being April 14th, so I figured that meant just a few months longer. I was still hoping for her to arrive before my birthday at the end of May, but if a tad later, that would be fine.
How lovely it is to be wrong!