Sunday, August 29, 2021

school fun for 2 great-nephews

A good deed for my youngest brother's youngest grandchildren!

I had made note of the posting of his daughter, on fb, about an upcoming fundraiser at the school the two boys attend... then, I had missed the deadline to contribute.

No worries!

St. James Catholic School was only too glad to accept my late entry!


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29 August 2021
2:08 AM


There are many organizations you could support, and you chose the Home and School Association.

Thank you for helping us raise funds for our school needs.

We are so grateful!

So you know, your donation will appear on your bank statement as "BT-St. James Fitness Challenge (ELC - 5th Grade)".

You donated $30 for Sebi and $30 for Bert.

Your total with a $2.00 online processing fee is $62.

The Home and School Association did not provide any goods or services to Faustina in exchange for the donation.

Thanks again for your support!

- The St. James Fitness Challenge (ELC - 5th Grade)
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I trust they did well on Thursday's challenge.

I have not seen the older boy since his first birthday, and I've never met his little brother.

Nevertheless, I love them and I love their mom.

May good fortune bring us together soon, now that they are again in this port city!

i thank You, God, for this chance to interact on their behalf!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

bani pentru Ion

Today marks my ninth anniversary of being a Nerdfighter of Kiva.

This year has marked the twelfth year since my father died.

Daddy loved to grow tomatoes, delighting in finding new varieties to try each summer.

Ion, of Moldova, also enjoys growing tomatoes.

He is a 53-year-old farmer and father of two in Moldova, a country lodged between Romaine and Ukraine.

His name is also a word in chemistry, which is also a draw for me.

I was in the right place, at the right time!


I was further blessed that my account at Kiva had a balance of $26.08, from repayments from those to whom I have lent money.


That was exactly the amount needed to help Ion purchase a car to transport those precious tomatoes to market, plus grant a small donation toward the administrative costs for the website serving as middleman.


Happy anniversary to me and to them!