Friday, December 27, 2019

2019 impact via nerdfighters

I may not be traveling much these days and making an impact...
but my money certainly has been.
It's been less money than you might think, but it has affected quite a few lives.
Admittedly, I was not aware until I received the following from Kiva.

***** ***** *****
What a year! Faustina, thanks for changing lives with us.
Here's a review of the impact you've made in 2019.

In 2019, you lent


to borrowers around the world.

Loans you made


Countries you impacted


Borrowers you supported

***** ***** *****

Considering that each loan I made was only twenty-five dollars, that's testimony to how much change can occur through a very small investment.
Twenty-five dollars.
And I gave that amount seven times.
Having this report certainly encourages me to continue giving up one meal at a restaurant, every other month, for the sake of helping someone's business provide for their community or someone's child to attend school.
Twenty-five dollars.
It's as easy as point and click.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

helping a bear do a good deed

By "bear" I mean the psychologist for whom I am an honorary Auntie.
A teacher who was dear to him died unexpectedly this year and what was his reaction?
To set up a scholarship in her name.
As a teacher, I was quite touched that he would do such a loving thing for her.
Aubrey Shoemaker must have been a truly magnificent person.
Kevin Crabtree spent a lot of effort designing apparel that he hopes to sell, to help keep the scholarship funded for years to come.
The design he settled upon was of a Bi-Polar Bear, drawn as if on a playing card.
(He didn't draw it; he had the illustrator for his upcoming graphic novel handle that.)
He even gave me one of the T-shirts so I could parade it around!
He and I wore matching shirts one time, too, to help promote the cause.
Very cool!
Today, I mailed a check for $100 to the Walters State Community College Foundation, to honor Kevin and in memory of his teacher and friend.
That amount is my standard gift when a niece or nephew - such as him - graduates from high school or college. 
He graduated from that college in Tennessee, so, if I had known him back then, he would have received that type of gift from his Auntie T.
For anyone else who would like to contribute, here is the address.

Shoemaker Scholarship
c/o WSCC Foundation
500 S. Davy Crockett Parkway
Morristown, TN 37813

Sunday, September 1, 2019

letting my money travel to fiji

I've been going a bit stir-crazy since June, when I was stranded in St. Augustine.
The new shift cable is still very stiff, making fifth gear nigh unattainable.
So, no highway driving in my recent past and none in my near future.
What's a travel bug like me to do?
Well, how about the next best thing: letting my money see the world for me?
That was actually my thought process!
And where better to go than somewhere neither I, nor my money, had traveled?
The island country of Fiji fit the bill quite nicely!
Plus, my Nerdfighters had recommended two loans in that community.

Teraina was in need of funds for her fledgling fuel business.
What caught my attention?
She's a 54-year-old following her dream of being a source of kerosene and benzene for her community, as well as being a source of support for her family of six.
Yes, I can help with that!

That left me with another twenty-five dollars available at kiva.
This time, the money for the microloan went to Bobo.
She already had an established canteen, but she needed funds to expand, to allow purchase of a freezer and frozen meats for her steady clientele.
Not only would she be helping others, but she'd be better able to support her four children.
Yes, I can help with that, too!

i thank You, God, for allowing me to grant those gifts to others.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

new loan to ghana, for independence

In celebration of my nation's Independence Day, I sought someone to help along in their quest for financial freedom.
I had discovered a few days ago that the Zimbabwe Group - helped just last month - has repaid their loan in full, already.
What an amazing team they are!
Well, how about turning that money they'd repaid to me right back around to kiva to help others?
Magnificent idea!
This time, I'm sending the funds to Ghana.
The lead woman of Nyonmo Bei Group is named Gifty and she has been running her own shop for several years, selling clothing material to support her family and her two school-aged children.
Now, she is ready to restock and to expand her business, to help two other women.
Their names are Sheila and... Faustina.
I had to read it three times to make sure I'd read it correctly.
My name.
I have done my part to help these three women attain their goals.
I hope others will help them succeed, too.

i thank You, God, for leading me to them.

Friday, June 21, 2019

no rollers needed for my blood

What on this blue-green planet am I talking about?
Well, I guess it would help if I showed the cartoon from "Close To Home".
John McPherson reminds me of "The Far Side" with his humor.

The comic depicts a donor lying on a table with a contraption with giant rollers at the bottom of his feet.
The nurse assures him that giving a pint will "only take about fourteen seconds".
Hahahaha hahaha!
I had seen the comic a week or two ago and saved it, knowing I had a trip to the American Red Cross coming soon.
Deborah, the front desk clerk, loved it!
She immediately made copies to share!

How long did my blood donation take today?
From the very moment I walked in and had my vitals taken, answered the questions, had the extra-rich fluid drawn off, and then returned up front for water and snacks was not quite thirty minutes - my usual.

That placed me in the three percent of Americans who donate blood.
I'm one of the three percent of Americans who are willing to set aside thirty minutes of their day, just once a year, to save someone's life.
Three percent of Americans.
Surely we, as a nation, can increase that number...
can't we?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to enjoy my lunch!
It's courtesy of Jason's Deli, for my birthday60+1, and features the very best parts of their salad bar.

Friday, May 17, 2019

hope for health for all

Good news, y'all!
Congress' elected officials seem to be responding to the constituents!

***** ***** *****

5/17/2019 10:59 AM
american heart association
Breaking News

Faustina --

Last night, thanks in large part to the dedication of You’re the Cure advocates, the United States House of Representatives passed a package of health care bills, including one that would block low-quality health care plans that put our health at risk from being sold across the country.

The package of bills that passed last night, known as HR 987, included a number of provisions that would help strengthen the ACA and protect people with pre-existing conditions.

Thank you for contacting your Representative in support of this package of bills.

Your efforts made a BIG difference in the House of Representatives, but our work is not done, and the package of bills still needs to pass the Senate before it has a chance to become law. Millions of Americans are still at risk from being victimized by low-quality health care coverage, but this was a great first step. We expect the Senate will soon introduce similar legislation with the goal of expanding access to quality and affordable health care and limiting access to low-quality, dangerous coverage.

When the Senate introduces their legislation, it will be even more important than ever that our lawmakers hear from us. The House listened to our calls for action and it’s up to us to make sure the Senate does the same. In the coming weeks, please be on the look-out for ways to help expand access to quality health care, but for now take a second to celebrate this great victory for public health!

Thank you for all that you do and talk soon!

Amy Shope Manzi
Director, Grassroots Advocacy
American Heart Association
Heart Disease and Stroke.
You’re the Cure.

***** ***** *****

Want to become a citizen advocate for the good of all?
It's very easy and takes only minutes to do so.
Just sign up here...
and thank you.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

thanks for a friendly wave

Perhaps I chose these three groups because they were vetted by Nerdfighters like me.
Perhaps the three groups of friends banded together appealed to me.
Perhaps my impending birthday has made me feel especially generous.
I'll let you look at them and see if you can determine my rationale.

These four represent the Zimbabwe Group, in Malawi.
Their goal is to purchase wrappers - i.e., wrap dresses - in a variety of prints to offer choice to their customers.
This is my first loan to this type of enterprise and my first loan to their country.

These women comprise the Diasso Awa Group of Burkina Faso, another landlocked country in Africa.
The goal for this group is the sale of food, specifically tubers, and to grow that business.
This is my first loan to this type of enterprise and my first loan to their country.

These brightly-clad women are Las Palmeras 1 Group, living in Guatemala.
Now on their third loan, they are branching out from textiles to agriculture, looking to coffee plants for their expansion.
I have supported loans for agriculture before, and this is not my first loan to their country.

So, have you determined why I chose these three for my funding?
I'm sure you have, given the title of this post.
Let's hope others are attracted to their gesture of friendship, too.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

helping to help a friend

Tonight, I attended "A Dandy In Aspic", a 1968 British spy film with a delightful twist, at the Sentient Bean. I had a check in hand to first help Jim Reed by supporting his Psychotronic Film Society of Savannah. I was given a choice to buy one 5-movie pass at twenty-five dollars or to buy two of them for forty dollars.
In honor of my upcoming birthday, I purchased two of them.
Not only was that a better treat for me, it also placed needed cash in his hands.
He will be hosting a special PFS screening at the 'Bean on May 19 - a Sunday - to help my friend Carolyn.

She has been having dental issues for months now.
Her only recourse to relieve her pain is a very expensive surgery which will involve cutting out two of her teeth. Later dental work will then be needed to replace those molars and perform root canals.
She is in her seventies, living on a tight budget. She would never be able to afford to have this work done. She has two siblings - one a psychologist in Pensacola, the other long-retired and living in North Carolina - but they are of no help to her.
Hence, the "family" of friends she has chosen is being called to her rescue.
That includes me, naturally, plus a myriad of other folks here in Savannah.
After all, she's a native Savannahian and has played hostess to many in her life.
So, on May 19, we will be celebrating her with a movie and raffles, with all proceeds going toward her dental bills, past and present.
Did I say "past"?
Indeed I did, as she is to have the surgery to cut out the problematic teeth on Monday, May 13th.
A friend has loaned her those emergency funds, but will need to be repaid.
Hopefully, the special Sunday screening will raise enough to reimburse that person and give a start for the funds which will be required to complete the future dental work.
I have a Grant that I have been saving for a special treat, but I'm going to donate it for this special person instead.
That will be money well-spent... and better than any "thing" I might have purchased.

Friday, April 26, 2019

standing up for science

I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I volunteer on the American Chemical Society's advocacy team.
Honestly, that word - volunteer - is part of who I am and has been since at least the time when I was a teen, volunteering at the long-gone Savannah Science Museum. I did anything that was needed, from rolling coins to handling the snakes for the children's birthday parties.
With Act4Chemistry, the legislative action network, the volunteers serve as watchdogs for the new Senate and House bills which affect science, research, and scientists in all career paths.
Usually, the email only asks for a single action, addressing a single issue.
Today, I was asked to respond concerning three different issues.
The first I addressed concerned the Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Act, also known as H.R. 1396 and S. 590. This piece of legislature is in support of diversity in the sciences, hence the reference to the movie in the Act's name. This is not the first time this Act has been promoted for the awarding of medals to Katherine Johnson, Dr. Christine Darden, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, for their significant contributions to U.S. science during the Space Race, as women who had previously been unrecognized for those achievements. This act distinguishes these four women and awards a fifth medal in honor of all the women who contributed to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) during this period. At this time, the Senate has passed the Act; the email asked that they be thanked and that the Representatives be urged to do so.
The second issue today was in support of responsible research practices. H.R. 2051 and S. 999 are the Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act 2019. This Act to encourage sustainable thinking from start to finish in the chemistry enterprise is also on its second voyage through Congress. I advocated for the creation of an inter-agency panel to coordinate federal sustainable chemistry efforts, for the support of public-private partnerships, and for a boost in investment in federal research.
The final issue that addressed equality in the workplace. Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019 is new legislation calling for research to better understand the causes and consequences of sexual harassment in STEM fields. I lent my support for H.R. 36 and S. 1067 by contacting the members of Congress who represent me and urging them to vote for approval of the Act.
I do enjoy being an active member of Act4Chemistry.
Much like the donation of blood, the process takes little time and effort on my part.
Someone else is doing all the work - in this case, keeping an eye on the actions of Congress, drafting an email to alert folks like me, even drafting an email for me to use to alert my elected representatives to my preferences in their voting.
My thanks to these workers in the wings.
The least I can do is take action when it is asked.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

bobby bumps still making progress!

I checked my email and guess what was waiting for me?
This update on that cartoon project I had funded in memory of Sam Johnson!!!
I hope it will be completed by his birthday this year.
That would be so very cool!


Update #14 from Historic Bobby Bumps Cartoons on Blu-Ray and DVD
Apr 24, 2019 • 8:31PM PDT
Good news!

Dear Backers,

Time for a *good* April update!

If you can believe it, the Bumps Blu-ray has gone through five (5) drafts before I was able to approve it. I wanted to make sure all the films looked as good as they possibly can, and that presentation and functionality of the program and of the disc would be in its best form. I'm happy to say that I approved the 5th draft from Thunderbean just last night, and today I sent it via express mail to the disc replicators.

Blu-rays take a little bit longer (a matter of a few extra days—say a total of 8 to 10 business days) to make into a glass master and then replicate than DVDs do (under a week). While the replicator gets started on the Blu-ray version, our friends at Thunderbean will be finalizing the DVD version, based on the latest Blu draft, and will forward that version to the replicator once it's finished. I'm hoping the replicator will have all the stock made up and back en route to me in about 10 business days from now—barring any unforeseen delays on their end, or with having the DVD version delivered to them directly by Thunderbean.

Either way, the replicator has been paid in advance, and that means they will happily QC-for-glass-mastering and burn the new stock as soon as soon as the respective versions reach their headquarters.

All this being said, it looks like May will be the month that everyone finally starts getting their Bobby Bumps. As I've said before, out of fairness, our older Kickstarter backers will be sent their copies first, as my schedule allows, and then it will be you Indiegogo backers who will start receiving them.

Please make sure all of your mailing addresses are fully up to date here on IGG!

Will report back again once the inventory is actually in hand...

As always, thanks a million for your continued patience throughout this lengthy process.

Sincerely Yours,

Tommy Stathes

Thursday, April 18, 2019

forty days of giving for Lent

Just before Lent began, I saw a meme about getting rid of an item a day for Lent.
I'm not Catholic, nor of any other religious persuasion that observes that holy day...
but I was taken by the idea.
I have so much that I have not used in years.
Why not pass it along to another who might cherish it?
The nearing of Mother's Day particularly inspired me to part with "nice" things.

I am sure someone's mother or aunt or
grandmother will appreciate these
beautiful glass dishes.
When did I last use them?
It's been at least a decade ago.
These lovely tote bags have hung on the
backs of door knobs for years.
I'm sure a new mother or an "oops" mom
will be able to make use of their
roomy depths.
How about some new hosiery?
Most of this was never even opened.
A mom getting a fresh start on her career
outside the home could make excellent use
of these for important job interviews.
These coffee cups will be good for moms or dads
or anyone, including visiting guests.
Just imagine being able to open a cupboard and
say "take your pick!"
Even with these nine cups going away, I still
have two shelves' worth staying with me.
I'm hoping these chemistry textbooks will come
in handy in lieu of an encyclopedia of science
or for those without online search engines.
The coloring book and pencils were a gift some
years ago, never used.
Maybe now they will be.
Speaking of those with limited computational
ability or internet accessibility, I know these
programs will be useful for them!
Businessware, resume-writing, spreadsheets and
graphs, and so much more!
Not everyone has the latest laptop.
That leaves those items of beauty which serve no true purpose but to gratify a need for art.
I've had that ceramic clown since my days in Panama, making it more than three decades in age.
Better to free it up now before I manage to break it!
I know I've released more than forty items - the tally is close to seventy, at last count - and I truly hope they will be a blessing to someone, as well as to the coffers at Goodwill.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

helping a mom (or dad, or ...)

Today was my first donation of whole blood in 2019.
HBO's "Game Of Thrones" has teamed up with the American Red Cross to promote this latest blood drive - and the results have been amazing!
So many first-time donors!
All willing to roll up their sleeves and offer a pint of their heart's blood or a supply of platelets!
They could not resist the call!

"Calling All Game of Thrones Fans and Red Cross Blood Donors:

Arya, Cersei, Jon and Tyrion, have all bled for the throne. To celebrate the final season of Game of Thrones, the Red Cross and HBO have forged an alliance, challenging superfans and donors to show their devotion and bleed #ForTheThrone as well.
We invite you to join us by scheduling your blood or platelet donation today, and you could find out who'll bleed in season 8 before the rest of the world!
Come to give by March 17 and you’ll automatically be entered for a chance to win one of five trips to the season 8 world premiere of Game of Thrones! Trip includes travel for two, up to two nights hotel accommodations and a $250 gift card for expenses.*
Plus, if your donation is March 7-12, you’ll also receive this exclusive Game of Thrones T-shirt and sticker with a unique Snapchat filter, while supplies last!**
Schedule your donation today and start thinking about which lucky friend or family member might accompany you to the premiere!
So, there's only one question remaining. How far will you go #ForTheThrone?

I know they're coming for the T-shirt, as well as the entry to the grand prize to be present for the first show of the coming season... but I hope they'll become regulars.
Admittedly, the prizes are part of the reason I've delayed my donation.
I wanted the T-shirt and I'd LOVE the trip!
Maybe you feel the same?
Then come on by and donate - the American Red Cross folks would love to see you!

Friday, March 8, 2019

helping a mom

For this International Women's Day, I decided to take a little different approach.
I've been doing a lot of helping people with educational costs.
I've also helped quite a few with enhancing goods for sale to others.
Most of my loans have gone to Central America or South America.
This loan did not check any of the above boxes.
Instead, I helped a Tajik mother help her son.

Her name is Sharofat and she is 56 years old.
She and her family live in Tajikistan.
One of her two sons has obtained work as a
handyman in the Russian Federation.
Her request was for $325 to purchase the
ticket for him to go to the job location.
All she lacked, at the time that I saw her
plea tonight, was a mere fifty dollars.
My $25 pledge, matched by a generous anonymous
donor today, helped satisfy her loan.

I know Mama would have approved.
She was always trying to help my brothers, and myself, to have a better life and a brighter future.

i thank You, God, that I had this opportunity to help someone else's Mama.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

coming soon to a school near you - my invention!

When I last posted about my invention, I bore glad tidings.
The Utility Patent application had been filed and time was marching on.
Then, the recent government shutdown mandated by our current President slowed that progress to a standstill.
Now, bear in mind that an application usually takes about one year to be processed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
However, I now have proof positive that my application is still in the works!
In early February of this year, I received the USPTO's Updated Filing Receipt from my attorney, Aaron Cramer - in the mail, no less, so I could hold it in my hands and feel the realness of it!
Yes, indeed, proof positive!
That means I can talk about my periodic table!
I've stated doing that very thing on its website, making my first blog post there.
I must say, writing there truly did make this more real for me...
not just a dream, but something that is going to happen.

This is the Periodic Table of the Representative Elements which I first created in the summer of 2016. I did so for my blind student, who first used it for the exam on June 16, as well as all other exams that semester.
I was trying to enable that student to have available the same resources given to the other students for their test.
My mother and father would be so very proud of my accomplishment!
Now, I should make copies of the Updated Filing Receipt and share it with my investors, those people who have had faith in my invention for the past two years, giving me not only their support, but also their money.
I am so blessed to have these living angels.