Wednesday, March 8, 2023

car parts to go, please

Hey, that's a little inside joke to myself, y'all!
Happy International Women's Day!
Yes, it's that time again, and, as I have for the last seven years or so, I've ventured over to to find a loan that will get matched funds.
Remember that I'm trying to make sure I find a worthy candidate in a country that's not yet on my list, as well as having a market sector that's new to me.
Well, I was hardly on the site ten minutes when this one popped up!
A woman dealing in car parts in Togo?
That was too good to be true!
I have not yet been to that country, but my heart goes out to those in need of parts to make their vehicle work again.
Once upon a time, I used to do my own car repairs, first on a Chevy Monza for two years in San Diego, then on a Subaru in Tallahassee and Savannah for thirteen years.
Now, I drive a 2001 Saturn, my first new car ever, and after 20+ years, its parts are getting to be a bit harder to find.
So, I salute Ablavi and her endeavors to help the women and men in her community by trying to stock some of the items most needed.
I'm sure her two children are proud of their mom!
Me, too!

And to anyone out there in the ether that wants to help,
and especially wants to see their $25 in aid go twice as far,
here's the link to help her or anyone else!
Then you can get a special badge of honor, too.

Monday, March 6, 2023

salt marsh protection!

When the Georgia Wildlife Federation calls for action, I jump to it!
Most especially when someone threatens my beloved saltwater marshes, I respond.
Ah... I do so love their smell!!!
That always speaks of home to me.
And now, again, there are developers out there trying to pave that paradise to put up yet another parking lot...
but they're being tricky about it.
That's okay - the Camo Coalition knows their tricks!
Here was the call to action for me.

Dear Faustina,

Public ownership of Georgia’s coastal marshlands may be at risk. Votes taking place Monday, March 6, are imperative – please take action immediately.

HB 370, which passed out of the Judiciary Committee last week, substantially reduces the burden required to claim ownership of coastal marshlands. The current procedures maintain a high standard that is very appropriate to keep critical marshes under public ownership while allowing a person to assert and prove if they have a legitimate claim to the property.

Under the current public trust doctrine, Georgia’s coast is unparalleled in its quality. It is without question the best functioning coastal marshland along America’s Atlantic coast. HB 370 fundamentally changes the burden of proof to benefit petitioners that want to assert their personal ownership of Georgia’s coastal marshlands.

Ask your Representative to protect our coastal marshlands by voting NO on HB 370. Take action immediately to stop HB 370 from advancing.


HB 370 establishes an expedited process for the establishment of title to coastal marshlands (Kings Grants & State Grants). It would require a petitioner to provide the State Properties Commission an abstract attesting to the tracing of title to a King’s Grant. The State Properties Commission either agrees with this tracing or, after 180 days the tracing of the grant is affirmatively established and it becomes an affirmative factor in a special master evaluation. If the State Properties Commission does not accept the tracing and a subsequent court ruling establishes that not accepting the tracing is without just cause, the State must pay for the court proceedings. This type of ruling would be used in subsequent legal proceedings as an affirmation of the petitioner’s claims.

This legislation appears to favor the petitioner substantially in successfully claiming ownership of coastal marshlands and adjacent uplands…ostensibly to ensure they are protected for the future by securing them under conservation use of some type. Currently, coastal marshlands that are not designated as part of a King’s Grant are owned by the people of Georgia and are held in trust by Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources, thus they are already protected. Under the current public trust doctrine, Georgia’s coast is unparalleled in its quality. It is without question the best functioning coastal marshland along America’s Atlantic coast. This legislation fundamentally changes the burden of proof to benefit petitioners that want to assert their personal ownership of Georgia’s coastal marshlands.

These evaluations of claims of Kings Grants and State Grants of private ownership are fraught with complicate details and stipulations over property grants that might date from the 17th or 18th century. 180 days is simply not enough time for the State to adequately evaluate all aspects of these claims…the current system works, as is exemplified by the fact successful applications are regularly processed and granted.


Mike Worley

President & CEO
Georgia Wildlife Federation