Thursday, September 17, 2020

keeping the wik(i) burning

I use that source often in my posts for weblinks.
The primary reason?
The utter lack of advertising and non-cookie atmosphere.
If I want cookies, I'll go to my pantry.
So, last week when I visited to grab a link, I was alerted to their need for financial assistance to keep the site afloat.
Busy, I requested a 'reminder' email, then continued along the trail in pursuit of the bunny I was chasing.
Wednesday, I noticed the reminder and responded in its favor.
Today, I received this message of thanks.
Very nice to have been able to help!
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September 17, 2020

Dear Faustina,

I feel so lucky to get to be the person to thank you for your $ 26.00 one-time gift, on behalf of a world of people seeking free knowledge.

I used to try to guess what motivated you to give, but the longer I do this work, the more I realize I can’t put your curiosity in a box. There is no one singular experience of Wikipedia. Curiosity is as diverse as we all are, and it looks a little different for each of us.

When you use Wikipedia next, I hope you feel that it belongs to you. Because without you, and without the millions of people who come back to us every day, we would be nothing.

Thank you for giving Wikipedia shape, and purpose, and momentum. Thank you for fitting us into your life.

With immense gratitude,


Katherine Maher, Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation