Tuesday, August 30, 2022

off to a new home, with gratitude

During the past few years, I've been giving away or selling furniture and other large items in the house.
Before my nephew and his two girls moved in, I'd cleared out two rooms of unwanted or unused goods, making room for them.
No more such furniture was around... save for one item with sentimental attachments: Mama's sewing machine.
I kept telling myself that I was going to use it.
I really did.
But, I never sewed the first stitch with it.
I had put the machine in place, at one point, and had even threaded it.
I had thought that if I had it up and ready for action, I'd go for it.
Nope, never happened.
It became a mere desk, a surface upon which to put stuff.
I had asked around, trying to interest my first niece or her mom, but to no avail.
All those theatre groups I know?
Some of those costumes are designed and sewed for specific shows.
Certainly they had a seamstress that would make use of this fine machine?
No, they appreciated my offer, but they already had sewing machines.
I would just keep it until something came up...
and, yesterday, something did.
The church has adopted an Afghani refugee family in the "First Friends" program.
In the September newsletter was a list of items the Abasy family needed.
And there, midway down the list, was "sewing machine".
Right place, right time.
I had contacted Asbury Memorial's Assistant Minister, Claire Marich, to say that I had that very item and would need help moving it.
She and her husband just left with the sewing machine.
Mrs. Abasy will be able to make her curtains now, as well as clothes for her family.
I know Mama would approve.
As for me, I'm going to miss its presence...
but I'm grateful that it will no longer be idle.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

stamps to celebrate ocean life!

Have you heard the news?
It's all over the internet!
New stamps are out!
To bring more attention to our National Marine Sanctuaries, the US Post Office has a series of stamps to celebrate them...
as Rod Stewart wrote and sang...
"Every Picture Tells A Story"!
There are sixteen stamps in all and I plan to use them on the set of cards I bought at an Ocean Film Festival years ago.
The cards, using the artwork of cartoonist Jim Toomey and his "Sherman's Lagoon" series, highlight fourteen of those refuges for ocean life.
At one time, I had three of the sets of cards, but I've sent them out to friends and family over the years and am down to my last batch.
What perfect timing that these stamps of the sanctuaries have come out!
Right place, right time!
I can't wait to match up each stamp with its corresponding National Marine Sanctuary for my outgoing correspondence!
I'll be sure to make sure my great-nieces and great-nephews, as well as my younger nephews and youngest niece, all know why they are getting them.
Not only do the cards and stamps represent the bodies of water they love...
as well as my love for them, too...
but they tell of history and travel and life outside their little towns!
Is your curiosity piqued?
Read all about the stamps' stories right here!

Saturday, August 6, 2022

helping someone in a country i once visited

Back in April of 1978, my first husband and I drove from our "C" School in Pensacola to our first duty station in Panama.
All we had were our travel orders from the US Navy and our military ID's.
Good thing we had money, too!
The lack of passports, deemed unnecessary by the higher-ups, led to our payment of exit fees to leave a country, followed by entry fees to cross the border into another country.
Hey, it was an adventure!
El Salvador was one of those countries we drove through on this honeymoon trip.
It's also the sole Central American country that I have not contributed to via Kiva.
I've rectified that lapse, choosing a young mother with a cool name.
You know, a cool name akin to mine.
This is not her first rodeo, so to speak.
She's already had a loan to get her business started and, with that one repaid, she's ready to expand.
To do so, she needs to buy 300 more little chicks, along with the food for them, so she can raise them to grown chickens and sell them off.
Admittedly, my recent brush with chickens most likely influenced my decision to back her on this project.
Plus, I was pleased to know she had included chicken feed in her loan.
That shows planning and forethought skills.
Good for her!
I've also posted the link on fb and invited all my friends to chip in, either for her or for some other worthy striver.
Oh, I do so enjoy being a nerdfighter and working to eliminate suck from the world!
Here's the link.

Join me, won't you?
All it will cost is $25 to help one person support their family.