Wednesday, June 1, 2022

drumbeat for Rx

AARP had this message waiting in my email this morning.

"Advocacy Alert
Calling all Georgia activists: do you know where your senators stand on Rx prices? If you’re getting this message, it’s because Senator Warnock has indicated he supports the AARP-endorsed proposal that lowers the cost of prescription drugs through Medicare negotiation. It’s time to let them know you’re paying attention, and they need to get the job done.

Every single day this month, we're harnessing the power of this huge community to create a constant drumbeat of actions to our senators — and today it's your turn to take part. 
Our goal is to make sure senators don't go a day without hearing our demands for action and we’ve found that sharing personal stories is especially powerful.

You’ve taken action before, but we need to keep steady pressure on Congress — Send a customized email to your senators asking them to help lower prescription drug prices. 
Act NOW >>
Faustina's turn to act >>
Americans pay 3x as much as people in other countries for the same medications. And now, many people are struggling to afford rising costs at the gas pump and grocery store. Since lower drug prices help combat inflation, it’s never been more urgent for Congress to act.

We need our senators to know that people 50+ are paying attention to their actions to lower prescription drug prices — every. single. day.

It’s your turn: Please, take a few minutes to tell your senator how important lowering Rx prices is to you. Every personal email makes a HUGE impact — send your email now.

Thank you,

The team at AARP Grassroots Advocacy

Of course I responded!
And here's the message I wrote.

"Every day, someone needs insulin to survive.
Every day, someone needs blood pressure medications to survive.
Every day, someone needs a prescription medicine because their body is not able to produce a needed chemical molecule.
No one should have to choose between the medicine they need and a roof over their head or food on their table.
Please, make prescription drugs more affordable by lowering their prices.

Now, it's up to Congress to make the change.
I hope the politicians remember that elections are around the corner.