Friday, September 30, 2022

well, if they're gonna triple my donation...

I don't know why today is so special, but it must be. is TRIPLING loan amounts made on this last Friday of September.
Maybe it has something to do with the end of a quarter?
I really can only conjecture at this point.
I stumbled upon the fundraiser completely by accident.
As I was reading some of my posts on another blog, one had a link to an article that I'd written about a recent Kiva loan I made to El Salvador.
When I followed the link to the lending website, I was greeted with a banner across the top:
"3X loan matching today"
I had bookmarked it, to jog my memory later.
Well, later is now.

In keeping with my goal to lend to new countries, I selected the Rosa Marita Group in Paraguay.
Here's a little more about them.
"The group called Rosa Mistica was formed joining friends and neighbors in the city of Curuguaty. They are looking for a way to improve their quality of living and that of their loved ones. It is a united group where everyone has set a goal of being able to grow and doing this get ahead.
Nilda Ignacia is one of them. She is married and the mother of three children. She comments that she and her husband strive to get ahead with their children and make them good people who don't lack for what they need.
She earns a living selling natural remedies. She mentions that her work is modest but it allows her to contribute to the household income.
She is requesting this loan to buy natural remedies to sell and in doing so continue with her sales as she has been doing.
In this group: Martha Beatriz, Carmen Rosio, Porfiria, Nilda Ignacia, Dilma, Licia, Marta Emilia, Maria Teresa, Clotilde, Paola, Liz Fabiola, Angelina, Perla
I'm not sure, but this loan may have given me a new "pie" slice in the "type of product or service" category, as well as new country of lending.
Very nice!
I do hope some of the other Nerdfighters will join me for this loan!
Even if they don't, I'm thrilled to know my $25 was tripled to help these women in their goal of helping their community.
What a good deed for ending this month!

Saturday, September 24, 2022

all that, and a bag of chips

Asbury Memorial's group for young people is called Angells Youth.

They're named after their beloved leader who died of cancer a few years ago.

Today, they held their annual fundraiser for scholarship money.

How could I possibly resist the double lure of education aid and barbeque?

I know that such resistance is futile.


I bought four of the barbeque sandwich dinners!

One is for today, but the others were dismantled and stored for other meals.

Food already cooked, helping me as I help them.

Winner, winner, easy dinner!


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

more fuel for the wiki fire

It's that time of year, when so many charities are having fundraisers, trying to end the year more to the black than the red.
One of my favorite websites is one of those hands reaching out to me.
I gladly reached back to them.
Wikipedia and Wiktionary have been such a help to me.
How could I refuse when the free, and ad-free, sites ask so little in return?
Apparently, many do refuse.
By their own admission, I am part of the 2% who respond with help.
Please, to any and all who read this post, take a moment to keep the fires burning bright.

Monday, September 12, 2022

more help for marine sanctuaries

The call to action was actually last month.
I thought I had responded, but it had slipped my mind until today.
Well, now my politicians know.
I hope they are listening and reading.
Elections for Georgia's representatives are in November.
Of this year.
Just sayin'.
As for what was requested from the National Marine Sanctuaries Foundation, that alerted me to a group I didn't even know existed.
That's a bipartisan coalition who are the champions of the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes in Congress. 
This political group of politicians raised awareness and strengthened commitment to the sanctuary system and its importance to conservation, heritage, public recreation, education, local economies and jobs across the country.
It would seem probable that every Congress member of a state with a seacoast would want to be part of such a group, right?
Not even one elected official from Georgia is on that caucus.
So, I've written them the following letter to request they consider membership.
I'll be curious to see who joins.
* * *   * * *   * * *
"As a citizen of a city and state with Atlantic Ocean shores, I ask you to join the National Marine Sanctuaries Caucus, a bipartisan coalition of Congressional champions dedicated to our national marine sanctuaries.
The National Marine Sanctuary System is our essential network of protected waters. Encompassing more than 600,000 square miles of our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes, national marine sanctuaries, they are home to millions of species, preserve our nation’s maritime heritage, and promote access for exploration and world-class outdoor recreation. Sanctuaries are vital to maintaining healthy ocean and Great Lakes ecosystems that underpin our productive coastal economies. Few places on the planet can compete with the diversity of the National Marine Sanctuary System, which protects America's most iconic natural and cultural marine resources. Living on the coast or inland, our national marine sanctuaries belong to all Americans.
National marine sanctuaries conserve unique habitats that are home to millions of species, from magnificent humpback whales to colorful clownfish. Sanctuaries support our health and the economy. They are living laboratories that improve our understanding of our ocean and Great Lakes, and they protect sacred sites and the resting places of shipwrecks that tell the story of our shared cultural heritage.

National marine sanctuaries foster economic growth, support jobs and businesses, generate billions of dollars in local revenues, preserve underwater and maritime treasures, and provide valuable public access for ocean recreation, research, exploration, and education. Across all national marine sanctuaries, approximately $8 billion annually is generated in coastal and ocean-dependent economies from diverse activities like commercial fishing, research, and tourism and recreation activities. We have seen the benefits that national marine sanctuaries provide for local communities and our nation.
Sanctuaries embody our nation’s commitment to conserve the best of our ocean and Great Lakes for future generations. And our national marine sanctuaries need the strong commitment of our political leaders today.  Join the National Marine Sanctuary Caucus, co-chaired by Reps. Jared Huffman and Garret Graves.

***   ***   ***

Interested in spurring your Congress representative into action.
Just go to this website and let them know.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

school fundraisers!

Proof positive that a new school year has begun: two great-nephews and one great-niece have hit me up for help.

Help with topics in chemistry? 

Nope, not yet!

They're too young to have such subjects, as two are in kindergarten and one is in the fourth grade.


But the boys go to a private school and the girl is in a charter school.

That means that new technology for the classrooms come from a source other than the school's budget.

Hence, the fundraisers.

Last year was the first time I helped out Sebi and Bert's school.

Back then, I had pledged a flat amount for each boy.

This year, I've switched it up a few notches!

My pledge is $4.34 per lap that each completes in the St. James 5th Splash And Dash.

I'm hoping they'll compete well, but I also hope they will enjoy the treat they will receive from my pledge.

Each will have a memento, a Play All Day ball, that will hopefully remind them of me.


As for the littlest girl's fundraiser, it's my first time.

Hers is an item-based style, with Miyah needing a dozen items to be ordered so she can attend the school's Bounce House Party.

I took that as an excuse to do a bit of early Christmas shopping!


I just know mi tres amigas will love the darling Mint Penguins, especially as they each get a box of their own.

As for my two brothers, they're gonna love the Old Bay seasoned snack mix - ah, good memories of Low Country Boils with family!

And for me?

Gnomes Gift Wrap for all my holiday needs!

Don't they look like they could be members of ZZ Top?
