Monday, April 28, 2014

regaining my footing, kind sir

I know you may be wondering what brought me back to kickstarter after all this time.
After all, it's been nearly a year since I last fished for art in this flowing stream.
Truly, that time last May might not even count, as I knew several of those involved with Ol' Devil Sherman & the Mint Juleps.
Well, I guess there have been three recent prods in this direction.
Just a few days ago, I was anointed as one of the benevolent ones. As I am now Fliss of kickstarter, I found my lack of involvement with the site to be a little troubling. After all, how can I be of help to the creative ones if I don't seek them out?
The second prod was also just a few days ago. I actually gave one of my prized rewards, a first issue comic, to a friend for his birthday. That has, surprisingly, left a hole that begs to be filled.
The third reason for my return has to be the recent Fliss Film Festival. The bfe and I will certainly have another, possibly two more, before my river of rewards has been fished out. But then what?
Perhaps it's time to don the waders and cast the hook out there, one more time.
Or maybe more. Who knows?
I do have a birthday coming up, so I can give myself - and others in the world - some new creations to enjoy and share and be inspired by!!!
I'm excited, aren't you?

Friday, April 11, 2014

the bridge partner and peter s. beagle

When an esteemed author and screenwriter of fantasy was asked by a master storyteller to write a mystery and agrees to do so, that's pretty interesting.
When that short story then becomes one of those in the "Best American Mystery Stories 2012" later that year, well, that's pretty noteworthy.
Especially to a fan of both fantasy and mystery.
Like myself.
Especially when the mystery focuses on two strong female characters.
And is not centered around a man.
That's very interesting.
Now, the short story is to be a short film.
Thanks go to Gabriel Olson, who not only wrote the screenplay and will direct, but had the good sense to involve Peter S. Beagle, author of the story, in his endeavors. What kind of work does he do? Can he weave a tale that keeps the interest?
Well, venture down to his brag-reel on the kickstarter page and judge for yourself. (I especially like the Coca-Cola commercial that features the two roommates with a couch problem. Very funny!)
Now, then, I don't want you to think that I joined this parade at the start.
Oh, no. I've tagged on to the tail end, along with 274 other latecomers. You see, they met goal on March 24, after only 14 days, with the first 212 backers on kickstarter.
Very impressive!
That goal was $21,000.
So they added a stretch goal... and another... and another....
Now, their original deadline is later tonight. Their last stretch goal of $45,000 is within grasp.
My little $36 will still help!
And I'll be treated to the downloads of the film and the score... and I will receive the script!
And... ta da!!! A copy of some new poems and song lyrics by the fantasy writer! Sah-weet!
You bet I'm in!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

silencer, out to do good in the world

Yesterday, my dear friend Hai turned 34. I gave him this kickstarter reward.
Well, he is, and has perhaps always been, a big fan of comic books and graphic novels.
Secondly, he recently shared with me that he is an artist (he draws and his mom gave him a nice set of colored pencils for his birthday this year).
And, like the guys in Silencer, he was a college student until his graduation a year ago.
Also like them, he is a techhead (though he tries to keep that part quiet).
These are all valid reasons for this first issue being an ideal gift for him.
Mostly, though, I think I gave it to him in memory of Sam Johnson.

You see, Sam and Hai became friends at The Comic Box, years ago.
The memory of my dear friend Sam was the reason I backed this project three years ago.
Sam, aka Blaxstone, was very much into Superman lore and always rooted for good to triumph over the evil in the world.
Hai tells me he is working on being one of the good guys.
I hope Silencer will encourage him along his path.

Now, lest you think I didn't make a back-up copy of the issue, try again.
Of course I did.
It won't have the quality of the original, but I can enjoy it whenever I want.
But it's good to know that someone who will cherish it as I did now owns it.
Safe hands.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

fliss of kickstarter

Lately, I've been announcing myself to be "Fliss of Kickstarter" to folks. Well, not to say that I'm going around town doing that, of course; I've done it on LinkedIn, as I invite those I have supported to join my network there. People might think I had lost my mind more so than normal if I proclaimed in person my presence as Fliss of Kickstarter. But I believe in my heart the philosophy expressed by Robin Williams in an interview, "You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.".
My spark of madness seems to manifest as doing good unto others.
I know, strange superpower, right?
Still, as Fliss of Kickstarter, I am able to do good by helping the dreams of others to come true. In turn, I receive a rekindling of the fire in my soul, the fire which keeps my heart from becoming chilled by the deep sadness of the world.
I also, as I have written much of late, received some physical manifestations of dreams made real. I truly do enjoy that; it's always heartwarming to see a new tree bring forth first the flowers of things to come, then actual fruit for all to enjoy. Sweet!
Today, I shared an especially juicy morsel with my dear friend Hai. Tomorrow is his birthday.
He is aware that I have backed some projects on kickstarter, as I have talked about a couple of times of late. I've worn two of my rewards, T-shirts from "The Restaurant Job" and the SeeSAW Muralcle.
I had already let him watch one of the films I had supported. His forte is film and theatre, academically, and I thought he would appreciate the uniqueness of the film "Chalk Talk", which has no dialogue except written words on a chalkboard. Yeah, it is a bit of a "chick flick" - but he did watch the whole thing and seemed to enjoy it before he headed off to other venues.
Hai has a lot of creative interests, including drawing, comic books, and superheroes. So, in honor of his birthday, what better gift could I give than Silencer? This first edition, brand new superhero, created by Ethan Wright, is the best way to show him how very special he is to me.
So, now that I have gone all sappy, one last message: I love you, Hai! Happy 34th!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

reminder from billy to laugh

Before this day of celebration of practical jokes comes to an end, I want to say this: remember to laugh.
Tonight, I watched "Billy Brown" for the third time.
I had remembered watching it before, and I had remembered the general gist of it, but not the details. Looking back at my blog entries, I saw that I had written of my support of the kickstarter project and I had written of my receipt of the golden T-shirt reward, but I did not see an entry for the film itself. Instead, there was an allusion to me needing to find a time to watch it.
I did not see in the comments that I had done so in May of 2012. I did not see that I had watched it not once, but twice, and cried both times. I had even written to Andrew Morgan, the writer, to tell him how moved I had been and he had responded with his thanks for my letting him know of its impact.
Here's the funny part: I had added those comments to the blog entry in January of this year. THIS year, 2014, when I was updating these blog entries after almost two years of complete neglect.

So, not recalling having made those comments a scant two months ago, I was resolved to "make it right". I again cried.
I don't want you to misunderstand me. This is not a sad film; instead, it is a film about celebrating life when death has made off with a loved one. It is about choosing to recall the funny moments when you feel utterly consumed by the deep, dark, sadness of the world.
Today truly was the right time to see this man help people with humor.
To remember the fun, funny times shared.
My many thanks.