Friday, August 8, 2014

creature (dis)comforts of home

Oh, my! Such lovely, cool-scary, monsters!
Oh, pardon me - not monsters, creatures.
That indicates that these beings came from imagination, not from an egg or a uterus.

That imagination belongs to the GoggleGals, Jessica Feinberg and Alese Lea Taylor, creators of this kickstarter-funded book.
And poster, as shown above.

And two unique bookmarks.

And fabulous prints of the individual creatures!
(More on that in just a second!

Even the back of the book bears the searing mark of their fertile imagination!
I just love the way they autographed this book for me!




Such marvelous fun!

But, I must admit, my most prized rewards from these young women are Jellie Oculari and the Orange Gnawzler.
I know, they sound like something that would appear in a B-grade, late-night old-timey science fiction flick, don't they? I'm sure my fondness for those goofy movies from my youth is part of the reason I am charmed by these creatures, of all of those produced by the GoggleGals.
These were the two I could not live without.

The Snaggle-Toothed Orange Gnawzler

Shaggy and fuzzy
orange yellow on top
please don't be misled by its cute fluffy mop.
Sneaking up the stairs
hunting late into the night
It's seeking out toenails
to nibble and bite!

Jellie Oculari

Swims in the water
floats through the sky
If you don't see him coming he'll
steal your eyes.

Bwah ha ha!!!
He is definitely my favorite!
Now, they both grace a wall in my Ocean Room, a wall dedicated to the display of my treasures acquired from the support of kickstarter projects.
And Jellie, with his many aqua eyes, looks perfectly at home there, swimming along without a care in the world!

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