Tuesday, December 5, 2017

bobby bumps gets a dog!

Here's the latest word from Tommy Jose Stathes, the man with the plan:

December 2017 Update
Time for our monthly check-in! There is a variety of progress and lagging to report on.
First, I'm happy to note that although it took far longer than expected, the newly-discovered footage I reported on earlier finally made its way to my team in digital scan form and the necessary cleaning/steadying/compositing of that footage is currently being wrapped.
Second, artist friend Josh Latta has finished his new artwork for the packaging. I think it's absolutely charming. What do you think? Here's a preview of Bobby and Fido, and there's also art completed for mother and father Bumps, as well as the family's unnamed black cat.
As far as the new music scores go, I'm still waiting to receive every last one from collaborator Charlie Judkins. An urgent animation gig of his that recently popped up had to be bumped up to the front of his work load, but thankfully he's back at the Bumps scores now.
In short, this is the infamous time of the year where the holidays effectively slow projects like this to a grinding halt. A little of that has been going on lately among most of the collaborators, though thankfully some of the outstanding tasks are still *slowly* being completed. On my end, my usual care-taking responsibilities with my mother and grandmother have been especially augmented for the past month and taxing on me and my work schedule as a result.
From the way this project's status looks right now, I'm very confident that we will be able to turn the materials over to Steve Stanchfield of Thunderbean Animation right after the new year begins, so he can finally start the mastering and authoring process. I look forward to updating everyone further in early January.
In the meantime, here's another exclusive peek at an unrestored version of another cartoon that will be in this collection. This is the first Bobby Bumps film released by Bray Studios, and the third one Earl Hurd had shot. This beautiful element is a 1920s 16mm Kodascope Libraries rental print, and I'm so thrilled that it's in fantastic condition and can be spotlighted in this release. Enjoy!
Happy Holidays,
Tommy Stathes

Hahahaha hahaha! I laughed out loud at the antics of this young boy and his dog!
Thanks, Tommy, for brightening my day!
I so look forward to more treats with this mischievous lad!
I know my friend Sam Johnson would have enjoyed these cartoons, too.

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