Thursday, May 16, 2019

thanks for a friendly wave

Perhaps I chose these three groups because they were vetted by Nerdfighters like me.
Perhaps the three groups of friends banded together appealed to me.
Perhaps my impending birthday has made me feel especially generous.
I'll let you look at them and see if you can determine my rationale.

These four represent the Zimbabwe Group, in Malawi.
Their goal is to purchase wrappers - i.e., wrap dresses - in a variety of prints to offer choice to their customers.
This is my first loan to this type of enterprise and my first loan to their country.

These women comprise the Diasso Awa Group of Burkina Faso, another landlocked country in Africa.
The goal for this group is the sale of food, specifically tubers, and to grow that business.
This is my first loan to this type of enterprise and my first loan to their country.

These brightly-clad women are Las Palmeras 1 Group, living in Guatemala.
Now on their third loan, they are branching out from textiles to agriculture, looking to coffee plants for their expansion.
I have supported loans for agriculture before, and this is not my first loan to their country.

So, have you determined why I chose these three for my funding?
I'm sure you have, given the title of this post.
Let's hope others are attracted to their gesture of friendship, too.


faustina said...

The Zimbabwe Group of Malawi has already repaid their loan IN FULL!!!
That is the fastest that anyone has ever done that!
Thanks to them, I now have the funds to help someone else.
Excellent work!
I wish them much continued success!

faustina said...

As of this date, Las Palmeras have repaid 92% of their debt!

faustina said...

Las Palmeras have completely repaid the loan I gave them!