Thursday, December 9, 2021

something to believe in

That sounds like a song lyric, doesn't it?
Well, it should, as the mental jukebox in my brain is always in search of the next record to put onto the turntable.
This time, the blog's title is a song from Poison.
And the reason it popped into play?
Sumphun of Thailand.
That's right: all it took was one look at her name.
And just why had I even been on today?
Three reasons: 
1) I wanted to give a loan to mark would would have been Mama's upcoming 84th birthday; 2) I knew I had enough repaid funds from previous loans to do so; 
3) was having a special "make a loan, make a second loan for free" deal.
That's why I'd gone to the lending site today instead of tomorrow.
The Thai weaver was the second recipient of the two borrowers chosen today.
I had seen her name and knew without further searching that she was the one for me.
The song had simply cinched the deal.
The first loan recipient took me almost an hour to find.
Then I noticed there were two women, both named "Christina", each looking for a loan.
As they had the same name as my first niece and Mama's first grandchild, I knew one of them were to receive a loan from me... 
but which?
The pink dress of the woman in the Solomon Islands running the general store won out; her loan had the shorter amount of time remaining for it to be funded.
How fortuitous that I had checked my email and found the Tripadvisor missive!
How fortuitous that enough repayments had been made into my nerdfighter account to encourage me to help a new borrower reach their dream!
How fortuitous that I've now made loans to countries new to my portfolio!
Happy birthday, Mama.
I'm glad we could start the celebration early.


faustina said...

Well, drats.
Good thing I chose two to help out, because the loan to Thailand to help Sumphun has not had any money at all repaid.
Like, zero.
Of course, there could be quite a few reasons for that.
Still... to have not repaid anything for nine months???
At least the money sent to Christina of the Solomon Islands has been partly reimbursed.
She's up to 58% repaid, even though she is behind on payments.
Better partial payments than none at all!

faustina said...

Christina of the Solomon Islands has repaid all of her loan!
That's right, she is 100% paid off, in less than 18 months!
I am so proud of her.