Saturday, January 8, 2022

not a grove, but a survey

I don't know how many were chosen from Georgia for the Arbor Day Foundation Annual Survey, but I am of that number.
How nice to be chosen!
They must have known I would comply - just look at this spiffy certificate they had enclosed!
I also received address labels and a one-page calendar, with promise of other goodies should I decide to send along a donation with my survey response.
I guess they don't know about my new stance on where the money in my pockets goes.
However, I have completed the two-page survey they'd sent to me.
Partly, the first question drew me in.
"Which of the following have you done in the past 12 months? (Check all that apply.)
Pruned one or more trees
Planted a flower or vegetable garden
Fed birds near your home
Planted one or more trees

I had check marks for all four activities!

I prune trees at least once during the course of a year, mostly because the squirrels are so active at planting scrub oaks, pines, and now a mimosa, all too close to the house.
The growths have to be trimmed to keep them from taking over!

I planted a spiderwort garden in one corner of my front yard, down near the street.
As well as liking these drunken irises that stagger hither and yon, the pretty plants adorn a sloping area that is difficult to mow.
Bonus for me!

The birds greatly enjoy the berries produced by my wild lantana bushes twice a year.
I need to trim back those bushes now, but they are still heavy with berries, so I have left them for now.
I also try to keep the bird bath filled so the birds can splash about - that's fun to watch!
As for the planting of trees, that has been done indirectly, with me supplying the funds to the Arbor Day Foundation for the addition of a grove of sixty to a national forest.
This year made the third time that I have done so as part of my birthday gift to me.
I encourage all readers to choose at least one activity from that survey question to pursue for this new year.
Enjoying nature is one of the side perks of doing so...
and that's beneficial for your mental health.

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