Friday, May 24, 2024

georgia on my mind... and india, too!

Thanks to the Nerdfighter Challenge that I stumbled upon at Kiva, I've added two more countries to my list!

Called the Mid-Year Loanathon, here's what our team captain had to say:
"If we lend $220K by June 15 we'll win a $1,000 prize. PLUS if we win there will be a fun contest with a $500 individual prize for the winning team member! All loans count, but you can filter below for team picks to see some loans we’ve vetted for you!"
Major coolness!!!
After filtering out those countries I've already loaned to, I settled on these two loans.

Davit of Georgia, a country with a coastline much like the one for my US state of Georgia, was an immediate hit with me!
"Davit is a 21-year-old determined student charting his course in marine navigation at the university. With a love for the sea and a passion for precision in navigation, he is committed to mastering the skills required to safely navigate ships across the world's oceans. However, the financial challenges of pursuing this specialized field weigh heavily on him, prompting Davit to seek a student loan to fund his education. He envisions himself as a future captain, guiding vessels through challenging waters and contributing to safe and efficient maritime transportation.
This loan is special because it allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Marine science!!!
Low-income student!!!
In Georgia!!!
Those are all descriptors that could have been applied to me at his age!

The loan for the Diaspora Co. in India took a little longer to attract me.
In fact, their ask of $100,000 was a big drawback, until I read more.
"Diaspora Co. is a woman-of-color-owned business dedicated to working with South Asia’s best regenerative family farms. Diaspora works with 140+ farm partners and 1500+ farm workers across 10 states in India & Sri Lanka to source their collection of 30+ single-origin spices and 6 house blends that are sold to their primary market in the US. Diaspora sets thriving wages with its farm partners (an average of 3 to 5x higher than commodity prices) that ensure smallholder partners and their workers are adequately compensated for their labor.
Kiva’s loan is critical for Diaspora ahead of their planting and harvesting seasons as they look to invest in seeds, irrigation, and farmworker help. It enables the company to make pre-harvest advances for the majority of Diaspora’s supply chain, allowing farmers to produce without taking on high-interest predatory loans. Lending to Diaspora supports improved, sustainable livelihoods and climate-smart agriculture practices. This is Diaspora’s second loan through the Kiva Social Enterprise program.

Here's the comment I left to encourage others to lend to them.

"This one loan will help HUNDREDS improve not only their livelihoods, but their lives and the lives of others in their community. Win, win!"

Right now, they've acquired about a third of the needed funds to make that happen.
I'm glad I had the repaid funds from former loans to allow me to celebrate my birthday by helping others.
If, dear reader, you feel inclined to help them, just click the links for the two loans.

Many thanks!


faustina said...

Both loans are fully funded!!!
Davit's was within just a few days of my post, but he had asked for less than $1000.
The group in India wanted $100,000.
That was certainly a daunting sum...
but they have succeeded in gaining it!
That's good news for those 1500 farmers!

Sana Javeri Kadri said...

email to me on June 29, 2024:

Six years years ago we set out to build a better spice trade starting with one spice (our now famous Pragati Turmeric!) from one organic farm and a life changing $10k Kiva Loan to power it all.

Half a decade later, we'll be using this $100k loan (10x our first one!) to pay advances to our now 140+ regenerative spice farmers. Paying these advances allow our farm partners to avoid the predatory lenders that are so rampant in South Asian agriculture and really focus on what they do best - growing the most flavorful, aromatic spices in the world.

I'd love properly to welcome all 2977 (!!) of you into the Diaspora Co. community and deeply thank you for the loan. We currently have over 2400 acres of regenerative farms in our supply chain and your support allows us to keep growing that number towards a truly climate resilient, sustainable, and delicious future.

To that end:

1. Let's upgrade your spice racks with freshly harvested, wildly flavorful, and equitably sourced spices :) You can use the code KIVA10 for 10% off your first order with us at We're especially famous for our Aranya Black Peppercorns (they will truly ruin you for all others), our Chai Masala, and our Pahadi Pink Garlic powder but that's just the beginning!

2. We're very active on Instagram -

3. We write a pretty great weekly newsletter chock full of harvest stories, recipes, and reading lists, you can sign up here -

Thank you again and we're so happy to have all of you here!

In community,

Sana Javeri Kadri (CEO & Founder)

This journal is about your loan to:

Diaspora Co.