Thursday, August 1, 2024

points for aarp foundation again

The trick, obviously, is to be on the AARP website on the first of the month.
After that, these opportunities become "sold out".
That's a good thing, though, to know there are so many others in the world who want to help others by becoming more educated.
Why did I say that?
The points are earned by watching informative videos and answering quizzes. 
The last time I was able to constructively use my AARP points was in April, and those went toward feeding others.
This time, the points will help make sure older folks still have internet connections.
Many of them - like myself - lost that ability when Congress discontinued the Affordable Connectivity Program in June of this year.
Fortunately, I have been able to procure reduced-rate wifi through Comcast, but others may not have been as fortunate.
I'm glad I was able to help.


Thomas Kramer said...

Dear Faustina,
I’m so grateful for your generous contribution of 4,000 points. It’s friends like you who make it possible for Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP to continue to provide free Senior Planet technology training programs to older adults across the country. These classes help reduce social isolation and improve connection in the lives of older adults by providing the tools and training seniors need to take advantage of today’s technology.
Thank you for choosing to use your AARP Rewards points to help those in need. We truly value your support.
Warm Regards,
Thomas Kamber
Executive Director/SVP OATS from AARP

faustina said...

Holy moly!'
I just did it again!
helped make sure seniors had connectivity in the internet world!
Twice in one month!!!

faustina said...

Woot woot!
I spent another 4000 points on Sunday toward internet connectivity for seniors!
Right place, right time!
i thank You, God!