Saturday, February 11, 2012

aging flappers need diamonds and pearls!

Debbie Lannen and the Spotlight "Still Got It" Players want to put on a musical!!!
Sure, sure, the troupe is in Canton, Michigan, so the likelihood of me actually seeing the show is pretty much nil.
However, in memory of my dear mother-in-law, Pat Landers, I am supporting this kickstarter venture. If she were still alive, I just know she would be part of this production, too. And she would definitely be there in the audience of "Flapper!"!
I'm joining this party late - the funding goal deadline is today - but I'm hoping for the best. This is the second run at funding this show. I've kicked in $69 to help make their show happen.
Fingers crossed!


faustina said...

11 Feb 2012

Sadly, the modest goal of $600 was not met. Maybe they will give it one more try?

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2012
6:08 PM

Debbie DeCeco Lannen says:

You were going to help us but we fell short of our original goal. Think you could help us on this project?
Take a look and help us if you can. We only have 21 days.

Debbie DeCeco Lannen