Friday, February 10, 2012

sustainable luxury apparel

Clothing made from recycled.... scarves??? Sounds like a good one to be my first fashion project with kickstarter!
Plus, it's in Hawaii, where such clothing would be sure to sway sweetly in the island breezes as the sun, or the moon, shines brightly and the sea sings of life and happiness.
After saying all of that, I just may have to make a trip there to visit the site, should the project be successful.
Katrina Langford is no novice to the world of fashion design. After moving from Indiana to the Pacific island, she changed her major from Marine Biology (one of my favorites!) to Fashion Design and Merchandising. This midwestern woman was fully embraced by her new home state, winning an award for her designs. She has fully embraced her new Hawaiian self, too, and initiated her own line of clothing. Now, she wants to expand and hire more local talent for her green-minded company.
I can definitely get behind her on this. I fully support the use of sustainable sources, local transportation, ecologically sound small business.
Especially by other lovers of the ocean.
I've chosen $29 as my voice of approval.
It's nice to put some money where my mouth is.
Try doing that some time... you just may like it!
Here's hoping others will follow my lead...


Anonymous said...

Update #3
Feb 19 2012
Six Days to Success!


On this windy Sunday I've had time to reflect on my Kickstarter campaign. It's been an amazing journey and I feel I have accomplished so much already! I've started rebranding my line, gotten my name out there, re-connected with old friends, made new friends, and learned a whole lot about myself. I feel blessed to have so much love and support from my wonderful family and friends. Thank you all for being a part of this crazy, fun time in my life!

With only six days to go and about $3,000 to raise I still need your help. Please continue to tell your network of friends and family about my Kickstarter project. We all know at least one person who loves fashion so share with them my video and maybe they will want one of my packages too. If we can find 150 people to pledge $20 then we can do it! I would love nothing more than to be able to ship my backers the packages they bid on, but unfortunately that won't happen unless I reach my goal. Keep up the good work and let's accomplish this together!!!

Mahalo for supporting Katrina Langford, Sustainable Luxury Apparel,

\m/ Katrina
We've been blogged about!

LA's -
Local blog Island Stars -

Daily finds for life & style in Hawaii, Lei Chic -

Hawaii fashion and fitness blogger Paula Rath - - Katrina Langford Needs a Kickstart

Anonymous said...

Update #4
Feb 28 2012
Mahalo for Supporting Sustainable Luxury Apparel!

Thanks to your pledge towards the Katrina Langford Kickstarter we achieved our goal!

It's been an amazing ride and I feel blessed to have shared it with all of my loyal backers. You are composed of friends going all the way back to elementary school when I lived in Shelby Twp. Michigan to high school in Franklin Indiana, college in Honolulu, and a whole bunch of other people I've met along the way! Not to mention my extremely loving and caring family spread around the country. Some of you I even just met through this campaign, which is why Kickstarter is such a great experience.

Your combined contributions helped make my dream a reality and I am truly thankful. I can't wait to get to work on the items you chose for your packages! Keep an eye out for a special delivery around the estimated arrival time. Thanks again for your support. I couldn't have done it without you!

\m/ Mahalo for your generosity,

Katrina Langford

faustina said...

fliss on March 10, 2012

I am so happy for your success! I look forward to having a little bit of Hawaii in my mailbox... and maybe I can travel there soon. One step at a time!


Anonymous said...

Creator Katrina Langford on March 11, 2012

Thanks Faustina! I'm looking forward to sending out my packages to all my loyal backers as well. You will have to send me a photo when you get it :) I'm expecting to receive the funds this week so I can get to work ordering materials, etc. I'll be posting an update soon to keep you in the loop on my progress so you know when to keep an eye out for your special delivery. If you ever come visit please let me know! -Katrina