Monday, February 20, 2012 - check that fact, please

In the name of separating facts from factoids, I became one of 791 backers of in November of last year. I am so proud of what Dan Whaley and his talented crew have accomplished! The website is up and ready for action!
Speaking of the website, they have a special link for listing all - I mean ALL - of the donors. Gratitude makes for a good attitude of both givers and receivers. That is one of the reasons I support these kickstarter projects. By and large, the hosts of the projects, those who dare to put their hearts out there for all to see, in hopes that others might share their dreams - those people are truly grateful when family, friends, and strangers choose to suuport them. That's pretty magical. I like being part of that magic for others.
Check the comments to this post to see what I mean about gratitude.


Anonymous said...

22 Nov 2011:
Thanks so much for your generous gift to kick off!

Can you let us know:

1 - How you found out about us?
2 - Where do you feel the pain? What are a few specific areas where you think the tool will be most useful?


p.s. For a splashier thank-you, see our current landing page (

faustina said...

23 Nov 2011:

I wish I had some snazzy answer for how I found you, but the simple truth is: I had some idle time and was trolling through the "Ending Soon" projects, looking for one that looked tasty and YOURS suited my palate nicely.
As an analytical chemist and college instructor, I see a great need for KNOWLEDGE in this world. The internet has a wealth of information, some good, some bad, but no real means available to INFORM, product-free. I belong to the Union of Concerned Scientists, a group which seeks to inform the public by use of a knowledgeable base.
Stephen Hawking once called upon the people of the world to look to each other to solve problems, not discounting anyone, as we all have unique backgrounds and knowledge. Together, we should be able to solve any problem... but, first, we need to have the facts, not distorted half-truths and myths. I see your project as working toward that goal, just as UCS does.
- fliss

Anonymous said...

23 Nov 2012:

I'm thrilled that you found us on Kickstarter - one of our reasons for fundraising there was to find people like you!

We've had many teachers & scientists support our project so far - there is clearly an appetite for a better source of knowledge & information. I'd like to quote you - is that ok?

Dan Whaley

faustina said...

23 Nov 2011:


I am honored that you wish to do so. Please do.
