Saturday, February 25, 2012

Nick of time

The second time around, he was successful in obtaining the funds needed. Not much later, he was sending the book about time travel adventures of a teenager to his backers, including myself.
I am so proud of him.

Science, time travel, history - this book has it all! AS my reward for backing his kickstarter project, I was to receive two copies of the book. Not only did I receive a copy - an autographed and nicely inscribed copy! - but the main branch of my local public library also received one to share with the young readers all around me. What a fabulous bonus!
Here is what he wrote to me in the book:
To Faustina -
For your "outside the box" thinking and your generous support of literacy.
J. Lee Graham

And he sent me a bookmark, too!


Anonymous said...

J. Lee Graham
Feb 20, 2012


Thank you, I received your addresses, and I'll put the books in the mail post haste.
I plan to include a letter with the book that goes to the library so they don't think it's a galley or something. :)

In the letter I would like to say, without mentioning your name, that this book is part of the "Support Literacy" campaign and was sponsored by a library patron and it is written by a Georgia Author (well, living in Ga, tee hee, born in NY), etc .... describing the genre and age level.

faustina said...

Feb 20, 2012


That sounds wonderful! Please do let me know if there is any problem. The Bull Street branch is the main branch of our library here in Savannah, so I thought it would be the best to use.