Monday, April 28, 2014

regaining my footing, kind sir

I know you may be wondering what brought me back to kickstarter after all this time.
After all, it's been nearly a year since I last fished for art in this flowing stream.
Truly, that time last May might not even count, as I knew several of those involved with Ol' Devil Sherman & the Mint Juleps.
Well, I guess there have been three recent prods in this direction.
Just a few days ago, I was anointed as one of the benevolent ones. As I am now Fliss of kickstarter, I found my lack of involvement with the site to be a little troubling. After all, how can I be of help to the creative ones if I don't seek them out?
The second prod was also just a few days ago. I actually gave one of my prized rewards, a first issue comic, to a friend for his birthday. That has, surprisingly, left a hole that begs to be filled.
The third reason for my return has to be the recent Fliss Film Festival. The bfe and I will certainly have another, possibly two more, before my river of rewards has been fished out. But then what?
Perhaps it's time to don the waders and cast the hook out there, one more time.
Or maybe more. Who knows?
I do have a birthday coming up, so I can give myself - and others in the world - some new creations to enjoy and share and be inspired by!!!
I'm excited, aren't you?

1 comment:

The Universe said...

The Universe via

May 23, 2014

to me

In the short run, there are two types of people who live in darkness, Faustina: those who are desperate to emerge and those who are desperate to stay.

When you finally realize that part of the reason you chose this lifetime was to shine your light for the first type, you'll stop worrying about what the second type thinks of you.

Shine your little heart out,
The Universe